Policies for Better Living

by Terrance A. Jennings

Policies for Better Living are all connected and integrated to categorize a Country's, Nation's or Society's Agenda and to support a Better Informed Public.

Resource Preservation
  1. Society without motivated teachers or valiant police officers, Guiding a Nation’s Youth, is a nation of people only interested in being paid, who will protest or shoot first rather than write or debate to get things done.
  2. Crime, with its high risks factors, consist of the same “Hard Work”, to achieve the set objective and claim success.
  3. The mission is to Protect and Serve, maintaining a relatively safe and secure society, with better healthcare, education and social services.
  1. Accused Not Remanded the call for online courts, via telecommunication devices, connecting police station’s jails and other detention centers to a scheduled judge, for prompt justice.
  1. Persons, who are the product of a bad environment will need The Prison System to change their ways.
Defense Force
  1. Coast Guard charged to protect and secure the nation’s marine borders.
  1. Public Peace, Security in The New Normal must fairly protect and serve all. It is all about Economics, ‘The Haves’ and ‘The Have Nots’, Resources, and access to resources. Race and Religion are just another way of instantly building an army. Policing is not only for the Police, it starts from Parenting and Mentoring, and Community policing is the strongest weapon against the Politics of Division, which fuels wars and unrest.
  2. The Future of Security SYNERGIES is to sustain and improve standards of living.
  3. Security Concerns must be publicly addressed and connected in order to sustain and improve standards of living.
Human Development
  1. Healthcare in The New Normal. It is the synergies, between security, education, infrastructure, and economic drivers, which builds better health and Public Wellness.
  2. Food; the world’s strongest Currency, prices can also be a very powerful indicator of currency and economic strength.
  3. So much care has been taken to protect and grow the produce by The Agriculturalist, relevant data must be sent back to the farm, to improve the next batch of produce output.
  4. Nutrition, a tasty healthy economically viable basic public diet, is the Future of Food.
  1. Education in The New Normal: Society is constantly taught Ego and Greed lessons, via the powerful medium of entertainment, as a life goal to hoard resources and money to pay for social class or caste; and to achieve by any means necessary, privilege and prestige. True education, formal and informal, teaches Happiness, via critical thinking. with Public Lessons designed to create a burning desire for Lifelong Learning.
  2. The Education Mission; to develop a Consensus on Education, a Skilled and Productive Individual forming a Tolerant and Peaceful Society.
  3. Entrepreneurial Ideas via Nation Building EDUCATION to produce feasible Strategic Plans.
  4. More than cash investment, Entrepreneurial Support, must include some psychological training. 
  5. Creating an educated (HV-Education) and informed (New News) electorate.
  6. Guiding (Employment seeking – creating Jobs) education syllabus and entrepreneurial ideas.
  7. Have things changed so much? management always had a very dynamic Strategic Plan, with areas addressing natural or man-made disasters, causing disruptions to the operations. Now, I read so much about restarting or recovering. Innovation was always on my mind...Business Startup and Transformation.
  8. If the children are our future and employees are our greatest asset; Teachers’ Salaries, like other essential services, should be statutorily increased annually, tied to national, group and individual performance.
  9. An Investment Banker or Underwriter is in the best position to help in Raising Cash 
  10. Sharing lessons makes us all Better vs. Best 
  11. Better, Smaller, Quicker, Cheaper, more effective and efficient lays in Future Development
  12. Entrepreneurs must take time to Understand Banking because bankers will not make the effort. 
  13. The Caribbean Economies in Pandemic mode: This is in reaction to an academic note “COVID-19 Policy Response for the Caribbean” by Justin Ram. This is a summary targeting a wider audience with opinions on the presented facts.  
  1. Symbols, languages, lessons, beliefs, work, entertainment, foods, fashions, songs, dances, stories, celebrations, are habits, Defining Culture, developed and used in a society’s common human interaction, combining into past, present or future Civilizations. 
  2. Society must teach the female, the danger of flirting or sending mixed messages, having no interest or having no interest at the moment, and mothers, must teach sons to understand A Deceptive Smile.
  3. It is the focus on excellent Work Ethics, infused into a group of talented and committed workers, supported by adequate resources over calculated time invested, which brings the recognition.
  1. A passionate discussion about Mass Murders and the effect of Sports as a tool of personal improvement. 
Social Service
  1. Judging Society by the ways it treats its elderly, its differently abled, its unemployed and its children.
Infrastructure Management
  1. Infrastructure in The New Normal. Such economic activity would supply the necessary funding to offer low cost starter housing, and family size renovation opportunities. It is such housing solutions and other Public Facilities; Water and Waste, Electricity, Communication and Transportation, which drastically improves living standards.
  2. Eco-City is designed, as a show piece to the world.
  3. Infrastructure SYNERGIES cost and schedules embedded, have reliability, as its main concern.
  4. Whether man-made or not, the science is clear, the Climate is rapidly changing, adapting to this change will require; The Resilient Caribbean.
  5. Climate Change is quickly demanding Resilient Infrastructure to protect and serve Human Lifestyles.
  1. The mission is quality water on demand. (Water Woes) Water for human consumption, for nutrition, for liquid and solid waste. 
  2. The Future of Electricity also seems to be a very practical way to meet and surpass a self-imposed target of generating over 20% of electricity needs from renewable energy by the year 2020.
  3. Tidal Turbines positioned along coastlines of small island states can effectively generate sufficient MW for the whole island.
  4. What we all share is a common need for Basic Utilities, which must be accessible and affordable by all, for the nation to prosper.
  1. All needed elements within and for an efficient Transport Net
  1. The Caribbean Region and other geographic locations, which were recently critically damaged by natural disasters, have Construction Opportunities, to rebuild and construct better and stronger.
  2. A very important and essential read. The revolution is here. Having received the Promotional Picture on the highly necessary Housing Renovation reform. Here is the Rationale which, must transform and protect Human Life, against the effects of the ongoing Global Climate Change, going forward.
  3. An especially important and essential read. The revolution is here. Lessons from the spread of disease are numerous and life changing. The Future of Farming and Food Processing is vertical.
  1. To build such a Maintenance Business will require the merging of existing specialty operations with a heavy emphasis on on-the-job-training.
Economic Drivers
Sectors & Industries
  1. Economic Drivers in The New Normal! It is this Public Revenue which must fund the Peace, Wellness, Learning and Facilities, so needed by the growing population.
  2. What does Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) mean to you? 
  3. Underdeveloped nations must exploit new Economic Drivers SYNERGIES to meet its highly needed Revenue Earnings projections. 
  4. Transforming traditional Agriculture ‘An Economic Driver’ to manage climate change, earn strong foreign exchange and feed a nation.
  5. The objective is to build a class of products aim at prestige markets and an elite clientele that will hunt far and wide for Caribbean Agriculture Products. 
  6. The Kitchen Garden can move a nation of malnourished people to a nation that exports food.
  7. People ‘An Economic Driver’, a small tax on locally trained and experienced persons stationed abroad. The true incentive of this proposed act is its very low rate application.
  8. Trade ‘An Economic Driver’ is employ by every society to distribute goods and services internally, to earn duties from its imports, charge royalties to use or remove its resources and to encourage exports which earn for local taxpaying operations, inclusive of the Rights of Passage to aircrafts and its radio frequencies to broadcasters and 5G telecommunication operations.
  9. Adjusting Failing Banks into a New Bank model; an online portal with cash dispensing machines, to separate out short and long-term investments.
  10. The constant development, promotion and protection of the nation's brand as it relates to tourism, arts, music and culture, agriculture, manufacturing, human expertise, and marketable investments, with an strong emphasis on patented benefits to the nation, is key to such diversification efforts.
  11. Diversification fuels Opportunities. What is needed from the executive branch of Government is the political will to diversify on a small scale. 
  12. The organization is in this new market to ultimately compete, Trade & Investment Wars  
  13. Expanding Tourism are some of the new types of tourism models mixed into the traditional family vacation, to which the world is invited.
  14. Preserving such Tourism Properties and promoting a viable tourism sector.
  15. People drives Diversification and economic growth.
  16. In this world of more frequent and more intense disasters, Egos and Greed must be transformed into Communal living. Because Ego and Greed drives The Me, Me, Me Economy 
  1. What does GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) mean to the common people? 
  2. Productivity calls for a truly independence Statistical Office 
  3. Lenders are promoting Non-Financial Profits and business services to assist in planning and reporting activities, to more closely monitor and quickly take action at the first sign of problems.
Jobs & Opportunities
  1. Climate Change Opportunities will produce new types of research and development, manufacturing, installing, maintaining, monitoring and reporting, jobs.
  2. Additional Economic Drivers; based on Infrastructure Pod construction, and all levels of Education and Healthcare personnel training, targeting export markets, will boost Job Creation.
  3. The Life Manager, Breadwinner, Owner, Executive and Prime Minister must be surrounded by the best people, have access to relevant decision data, constantly be thinking of operational improvements, grow revenues and earnings by creating additional new jobs and opportunities, and continually bettering living standards.
  4. Associations Achievements. With Local Government focusing on the ease of doing business, the local Business Association, working through and alongside, will bring its voices to the development programs.
  5. A career as a Business Analyst is to seek out Opportunities, from Ideas into Industries, that can meet budgeted expectations of all stakeholders.
Fiscal Policy
Sovereign Debt
  1. Sovereign Wealth Funds should only be used to develop export driven industries which will earn foreign exchange and/or reduce debt servicing in future years.
  2. Assessing Constantly Transformed Policies, Projects and Programmes
  3. To gauge and forecast long-term economic effects (Preservation and Growth
Cost of Living
  1. Noting that Selfishness destroys Nations by damaging living standards and economic growth.
  2. This is an opportunity to gather data on, measure and adjust policies to adequately provide Basic needs for People born into Poverty and break this vicious cycle. 
Balancing Budget
  1. Publishing (Budgeting Priorities) a prospectus specifically to inform the population of revenue generating measures; increasing productive capacities or incubating new ideas, selecting proven operations for scaling up and promoting such activities to attract investment, which would, in turn, create jobs, grow the tax collection base and avoid the all foreseeable debt trap.
  2. The term Budget Balancing is very much about reducing expenditure to match, real income, proven revenue estimates.
  3. Basic living expenses are essential and requires the Growing Revenue not debt.
  4. Adequately funding Tax Collection, staffing and maintaining its historical and interconnected database which can be easily queried and referenced will reduce tax evasion.
  5. Taxes 101, all who are required to pay taxes will be identified by the relevant tax collection authority.
  1. The key roles of An Independent Office Of Budgets (OOB) is to inform the Public on the effects of Proposals & Decisions, to make State Enterprises Attractive to Investors, to dispose of Loss Makers, to predict Economic Growth and Declines and to track Sectors & Industries Advances.
  2. Bringing forward, preparing and defending a one to three-year Budget Statement, for approvals and financial allocations, is one of the roles of this Office of Budgets.
  3. The wider population must therefore, understand, track and relate Budgeting Priorities; the Nation’s Core Revenue, Public-Sector Expenditure, Net Surplus/(Deficit), and general Fiscal Policies to their personal lives.
  4. A 10-year Budgetary Forecasting office is very necessary to view the big picture, understand civics, cost policies, review the said policies effect on the overall financial picture and disseminate the review, before any implementation can proceed. 
  5. A quick glance at a National Budget is pointless.
  6. Trinidad & Tobago Country Reports helps strengthen communications to local and international investors, partners and lenders.Trinidad & Tobago 2020Trinidad & Tobago 2019Trinidad & Tobago 2018Trinidad & Tobago 2017Trinidad & Tobago 2016.
Wealth Gap
  1. In pursuit of Money before Morals, widening the wealth gap and loosening morals 
  2. The value of Life, Lessons, Products and Properties measure progress via Money, Money, Money.
  3. DO NOT QUIT, TRUST Defining Success
  4. Elected Local representatives must discuss, decide and do, implement plans to better the community’s #Synergies #Security, #Health, #Education, #Infrastructure and #EconomicDrivers, Change the Mission to Happiness vs. Wealth.
  5. Happiness, difficult to define, can only occur for many, when the unemployable and the working poor are eliminated, and we all become financially literate destined to save and invest for a more secure future.
  6. Wealth was historically created and assigned to landowners, now its Data vs. Land but who owns the data?
  7. A Perfect World consisting of Moral Leaders, Lively People, Learning and Lessons, Ecologically Erected structures and Fairly Allocated Resources. 
  8. Are you in pursuit of Happiness vs. Power?
  9. Urgent Actions are required in the face of Clear and Present Danger.
  10. As people, who never missed a meal, sit around a table and make Decisions for the Poor in society, they refer to this as Bottom up Solutions.
  11. The ultimate lesson of “We not Me” is missed as Human Beings attempt to fix a global virus pandemic with Top Down Prescriptions, misdiagnosing the true Human Condition; selfishness, Ego and Greed. 
  1. Moral Leadership; an unbiased Head of State from the people for the people.
  2. To create and preserve A Happy Society will require consensus between decent people.
  3. Legislating Morality dilemma is a moral decision which places long-term benefits over present political gains. 
  4. Creating decent mannerly People via Mentoring and Parenting 
  5. Leading Leaders: The main Lessons of Leadership; Experts, Executive and Everybody Else, must Discuss, Decide and Do. 
  1. Justice for All, helping, supporting and assisting each other in the search of Happiness, Peace and Respect.
  2. To protect your, lifelong structured, good character and strong integrity one must, therefore, engage publicly and constantly, in Ethical Behaviour, doing right and supporting truth.
  3. A Few Good Men of independent thought to prioritize and implement, with clear benefits for the majority.
  4. Issues to implementation (Government Priorities) based on facts not fear.
  5. Deception is now more normal than not, and Decency is now just a betrayal.
  6. People, (Thoughts, Opinions & Decisions) discussing Issues not Personalities. 
  7. A Leadership Crisis must be avoided especially when already in a Crisis 
  8. In a leadership role, ethics must protect Life before Lifestyles with a clear vision of all elements of success. 
Law & Order
  1. Communicated via Political independent Public Offices (More Civics)
  2. Government Responsibility; the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.
  3. The population needs leadership, ‘Better not Blame’. The Politics of Division runs the danger of spreading hate in a once loving society.
  4. Electing representatives based upon knowledge not (Political Promises) popularity.
  5. Calling for Policies before Politics as the nation governmental structure.
  1. Regulations; Resource Preservation, Human Development, Infrastructure Management, Economic Drivers, Fiscal Policy, Governance.
  2. The Best People are appointed for a term that is longer than the national election cycle, to avoid political influence or interference. 
  3. Overseeing Government Jobs and Contract Opportunities.
  4. Local Government, A local city hall integrated building complex is needed, built using move-able disaster protection pods, housing and delivering services and approvals to the local community. 
Human Roles
  1. Developing, Inspiring, Administering and Building are the four main roles of Life.
  2. Leadership training, skills and techniques, would be misapplied to persons without the pertinent educational background. (Leadership or Education
  3. A glimpse into the near future 2020 and Beyond
  4. Knowledge derived from Data Driven analysis and processes
  5. Human beings very survival depends on its constant adaptation and transfer of Knowledge into Wisdom 
  6. Generational Roles to prepare, motivate and encourage each other for essential timely leadership and many following roles.
  7. We believe in and promote that SYNERGIES Reduce Risks and improve efficiencies.
  8. Crisis Opportunities exist even in the depths of a global pandemic. 
  9. Crisis Management 101 People, who hate themselves are not good in a crisis. 
  10. This is Not the last Crisis! Historical Lessons are not just for academic review but must reach everybody especially, the poor and poorly educated, because it requires everybody to save lives and preserve lifestyles. Humanity must now plan, fund, and build around SYNERGIES of basic survival living requirements. 
  11. Religion looks backward for vital lessons, while Science looks forward to solve pressing problems. It is at this midpoint that The Human Condition must find ways to save lives and preserve lifestyles.
Of Course, I confess as to not being the best or even a good writer. In moments of clarity and from my vast experience, I message ideas targeting an audience of Entrepreneurs, Risk-Takers, and other idea Providers, (Service Providers and Policy Makers) who are hungry for communal success. Education is about creating chemical pathways in the brain. Hence, much is Copy and Paste, while identifying its original sources, to enforce and expand essential points. I pride myself as always open to constructive criticism. I will accept help from all who understand, commit and share my Vision, my Mission, with mindful thanks.