Monday, May 13, 2019


A Nation, A Society, A people and its property are to be protected from damage. Protection from Natural or Man-Make, Accidental or Premeditated, events is normally through social or preemptive engineering solutions. Social Solutions, which presently include moral, education and reintegration strategies, to change dangerous mindsets. Preemptive architectural and engineering solutions, inclusive of Visualize and Create, Invent and Innovate, Monitor and Report, and Construct and Assemble, are at the core of such security solutions. Security Concerns, which must now and in the future form the starting point in every strategic development plan; dangers and solutions must be publicly addressed and connected in order to sustain and improve standards of living.

Security must prevent and reduce damage from Natural or Man-Made events. Earthquakes, Storms and other Natural Disasters are being better predicted and tracked, with better shelters and first respondents and sound emergency plans to save lives and limbs. Accidents; generally, are foreseen and projected with preventative measures incorporated in solution designs and operational procedures. Premeditated actions, planned to cause bodily and material harm, are cold calculated acts of sick or undeveloped minds, addressed only by social interventions. Hence, All Security Solutions traditionally engaging human senses to pursue prevention, detection and rehabilitation, are now depending more heavily on technological sensors and moving human resources into infiltration.

Events caused by climate change must be planned for and would need continuous adjustment to pre-emptive engineering solutions, as debate has moved from science deniers to whether caused naturally or by human activities. Man-Made Damage can be the result of Accidents or Premeditated acts. Accidental Damage must also seek preemptive engineering solutions to constantly be improved and made safer. Premeditated Damage, a purposeful act, will require strong persistent social solutions to address and change mindsets. Mentalities of blame and accusation, encouraging violent political change, hate of others and a lack of understanding, require Moral Leadership, HV-Education, reintegration strategies and other Social Solutions.

Events conceived by the human mind, much like in Life’s main roles; Inspiring, Developing, Administrating and Building, are at the core of preemptive architectural and engineering solutions, used for good or evil, to benefit the many or the few. The Inspirer Role attempts to Visualize and Create new and better ways to execute crime, and only other trained minds can prevent and detect such crime. The Developer Role endeavors to Invent and Innovate methods to get away with crime, and it requires other capable minds to avoid and sense such wrongdoing. The Administrator Role is to Monitor and Report on physical access employing Satellites, cameras and other technological scanners. The Builder Role is to Construct and Assemble; infrastructure, building, tools and equipment, to incorporate safety.

Hence, the Future of #Security is to sustain and improve standards of living. Involving all in society to identify dangers and become part of the solution in executing a nation’s strategic development plan. Jails and Prisons must be converted into rehabilitation systems; with therapy and practical training programs not for early release but for better reintegration into society. Every workplace and public space must become a monitoring and reporting location with clear sight of round the clock authorized and unsanctioned activities. Licensed Broadcaster messages, learning institutions and homes must all be encouraged to be modeled after moral and religious centers, constantly exposing the developing minds to acceptable and Ethical Behavior patterns.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.