Monday, April 8, 2019

Moral Leadership

Should a nation’s electorate vote, directly for its moral leader, its Head of State, its President? A President, well known for decency, with no political biased, with the power to censure and rebuke public speech and ethical behavior of persons in public office. But more importantly educating and leading the nation by example; listening and guiding public interactions. Leading the nation’s society, away from hate full acts, hate speech and hateful thoughts and towards progressive ideas, workable improvements and constructive remedies, is the mission. Clearly the nation would need to be more tolerant and open-minded on individual rights. Before addressing the nation’s wealth gap.

Seeking citizens over 50 years old of decent character. The age requirement is mainly so that the person has a record, a resume; time to be known by the electorate. Well Known to have high moral and ethical standards. An Independent Candidate, noting that, Political Parties only exist for elections, such a non-partisan individual must be able to exercise power fairly and equitably over the entire population, and of more importance, must appear to act with a public perception of fairness. Leading by example, the president must be able to deal with issues to best improve public peace, respect and happiness.

A society with over three generations of very strong morals would be ideal. Where people could disagree on issues without being disagreeable. Where the haves are keen to help the have-nots. And where various cultures and religions interact with respect. An educated electorate having been led by respected Head of States; with unshakeable principles yet flexible values, would know to soften the ‘them verse us’ reactions, brought up and hardwired to find common positions, solutions and ideas to accessible living; shopping, socializing, and each being a model of decency. A nation, a population of civil courtesy and polite manners.

A President whose duties includes visiting every school, every religious and community hall to listen and manage hate speech, especially in the political environment, before it takes hold. Indirectly, in charge of broadcast license, internet contents to guide the public, parents and children alike, away from hateful ideologies. Encouraging public decency, via appointments to judicial, integrity and environmental boards, while debating ideas based on independent institutional provable facts, speaking truth while identifying opinions and bringing forward beneficial accomplishments. Overseeing the nation’s policies and projects, amendments and regulations, prioritizing implementing and commissioning to benefit the many as opposed to the few. Noting the President, as chief peace maker, needs to bring all the people along.

Healing a nation involves a very active President or Head of State to moderate public conversations on and about the ills in society. Fixing a Nation requires polite discussions on economic growth especially from entrepreneurs (risk-takers) and small business desperately needing access to large, relevant, and back office Data, to make good decisions and to compete. Resulting in expanding business investment, job creation and sustainable development. Fixing a Nation also requires An Apolitical Conservative Ten-Year Budget, constantly reviewed, prioritized, measured and reported to pay for basic categories of expenditure; Resource Preservation, Human Development, Infrastructure Management, Economic Drivers, Fiscal Policy and Governance.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.