Monday, April 15, 2019

A Happy Society

The ills, in society, are not recent. But has been developed over many generations of Human failures. Parental let-down, Educational disaster and failure to define success, passes on from generation to generation. Demanding acceptable behavior rather than offering guidance. Labeling persons with predetermined references; expectations and gossip without listening to this person’s opinion of themselves. Unexplained grading of individuals by others promoting a culture of caste. And judgments made based on financial power not moral integrity. A Strategic Plan, with a clear long-term vision of the desired outcome and an attainable and measurable mission, tasks by competent, objective-driven, goal achieving, talented individuals are needed to inspire hope and to better society.

The success of any society, has always been and will be when its population feels Loved and Respected, listened too and understood not pitied. Loved; children with their basic needs seamlessly met, adolescence receiving moral guidance and talent development, productive adults getting viable opportunities and fair living wages, and the elderly and vulnerable valued and appreciated. Respected; each individual heard on their personal desires, development of physical body and nutrition of spiritual soul, to form healthy and very productive citizens in a caring and happy society. (Government Priorities) Generational change is the objective and is only possible via sound moral guidance as a strong measure and/or definition of success.

Moral and executive leadership roles must clearly define and realize the society’s development success. Success which is only made possible through listening to and considering the point of view of every member of society (Selfishness destroys Nations). Data measured opinions, scientifically collected, analysed in depth and widely and simply reported, must guide futuristic projects, strengthen policies and help to implement and fully support ecological social and economic programmes. Opinions, on and about each life changing issue, created by the learnt and informed, discussed and debated, decided and pronounced, with an obvious examination of outcomes and beneficial results. Development of the entire population, the society, the nation, to appreciate, love and respect all.

Caste Systems, in its many forms, have all been proven inadequate and rejected by majorities. Hence, the next and essential step is to drive out public grading, where groups in society pronounces upon others and drives divisions. Democracy; Listening and guiding each and every person in society, as to how they see their own role and responsibility, has worked better. However, Egos and Greed pushes many individuals to pursuit (Money before Morals) personal financial gains at risks of their own moral soul. Noting that, it is moral and ethical persons who have left long legacies while, ill-gotten gains, forged on the back of others, haunts the children of future generations.

The Society needs People with very strong morals to serve in leadership roles, to think deeply in bettering specific SIC areas and to oversee, implement and to achieve GDP growth, to benefit all, Discuss, Decide and Do. Discuss; Objective-driven persons with eyes on the long term, big picture, while, constantly adjusting alternatives to address situational change. Decide; Goal-achieving experienced (Leadership or Education) persons to consider, debate and resolve submitted proposals and priorities. Do; talents learned and developed, by Nation Building EDUCATION and for professional individuals, executing approved projects and programmes.

Developing A society, with strong Moral Leadership, judged by the way it is seen to treat its children and adolescence, elderly and most vulnerable. This will require (Decency), consensus between decent people forging, an apolitical, long-term, data-driven, dynamic manifesto, to create and preserve all in this happy society.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.