Monday, April 1, 2019


To prevent Wars, Insurrections, Civil Disputes, or broken relationships and preserve peace, talking is very necessary. Firstly, identifying topics of concern to all participants, both of agreement and disagreement, must be disclosed. Secondly, stating each party’s current thinking, the present processes and benefits, identifying the thoughts on what must be done and why change. Understanding others’ position, while politely disagreeing with it, is the key to pushing for and fine tuning a more favorable position and flexibility towards any new position. Each party must envisage the desired outcome of any negotiation, from its inception, as Consensus seeking or to reach a Win-Win settlement.

An Agenda, starting with each party’s preferred outcome, should be created. Further, subdividing these preferred outcomes into issues, needed to bring forward each identified outcome. And, each subdivided issue must be broken down into goals and objectives. Finally, into detail tasks, which would determine a plan for first round discussions, ending the created agenda. Without such an agenda, parties are most likely to abuse each other, accuse, misunderstand and degrade communications into threats. Stating other opinions in the worse possible ways. Mis stating and lying to all to gain support for their own position. Making the best case for no talks, meetings or actions.

Following this agenda from end to start. Explaining the current factual positions, with sound and strong sighted sources, on each party’s opinion, preferably in writing, which would require very serious consideration knowing it is to be shared and deeply scrutinized. Many tasks would be found by all participants to be adequate and worth retaining. Tasks that are identified as causing or contributing to disputes must be examined backward to any Goals and Objectives which are affected. Further, examined to identify impacted issues and the related outcome, to adjust the agenda. This updated agenda can now serve as a starting point for second round discussions.

Courtesy is about respecting others’ opinions. Listening intensely, reading between every line, and calculating how each purposeful adjustment will affect the desired outcome, until one understands the others’ positions. Differences should be understood in more detail and deeper than Agreements, for any steps to result in meaningful and sustainable compromise. Without consideration for opponents’ opinions, it is a short road to a yelling, cursing, down and dirty fight amplifying hate and gang warfare, if not outright wars. A Win-Loss consequence will only bring a temporary peace, which is sometimes useful in lowering emotions, allowing time to heal and peacefully negotiating to find a Win-Win.

Consensus is the ultimate desired outcome. Negotiating, to minus at least one task from each participant, combine party’s goals and objectives, resolve issues and combine outcomes, is the path to a Win-Win settlement. Many parties involved in negotiations, do not wish outcomes in which their opponent benefits, instead desiring destruction upon them. Coming to the table only to get information that can be used against their opponent. Hence, each participant must be very careful how confidential and sensitive data is recorded and shared during, within and even after the talks. Such deception is now more normal than not, and decency is now just a betrayal.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.