Monday, October 15, 2018

Government Priorities

Speaking to the widest possible audience, members of the public, the citizenry and population. The elected Government main responsibilities are and must find ways to inspire Happiness, Peace and Respect throughout the society. Happiness, difficult to define, can only occur for many, when the unemployable and the working poor are eliminated. Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. Respect for the dignity of all people is via Law and Order. How can this be accomplished? By creating a healthy, productive, mobile population working together. SYNERGIES surrounding SecurityHealthcare, Education, Infrastructure, and Economic Drivers.

A healthy population is secure, safe, fit, well-nourished and covered by lifelong Healthcare. Human violence, workplace, transportation accidents and other injuries will engage the public health services. While, wellness sport exercises, via keep fit classes and nutrition, through better agriculture, and teaching and improving Basic Life Support, in response to Emergencies, and Primary Healthcare, to diagnose and treat the community, requires #SYNERGIES involving all first responders. Community Health Clinics (CHCs), networked together across bordering communities, will engage a strategy of Product Mix, which will do better to target a small population in a studied caption area. Noting, unprotected, terrorized unfit and badly nourished people, are the next generation of criminals.

A productive population is constantly exposed to Education, enhancing talents and skills. The general education process, using the best Science and Technology available, is to advance Literacy Levels, Logical Thinking, Skill Training and ultimately, Discipline and Respect. Educating each and every Human Being to a productive level via #SYNERGIES. An education system that will no longer grade people, only measure their stage of development or performance. No more, First and Second place suggesting one individual is better than another. No more, putting unnecessary pressure on individuals to win or lose, succeed or fail, assigning destiny, instead of bringing everybody along at their own speed and ability.

A mobile population is one provided with and dependent upon Infrastructure. The objective is the cost effective and efficient delivery of Water, Fuels, Electricity, Communication, Transportation and the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of these fundamental utilities, taking advantage of #SYNERGIES to improve human lives. The mission is to design, improve, commission and regulate, mini interconnected networks combining multiple utilities, to benefit Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Pod Structures, and provide better living standards. While, Breakdowns are anticipated and planned for, with crews standing by to effect emergency repairs. O&M will further develop these mentioned utilities as technology advances, expanding networks as communities grows and delivering services and supplies dependability.

Human basic needs are all paid for by Economic Drivers. Sectors and Industries that are mature enough to weather slowdowns and disruptions, while generating operational profits and gross earnings, to contribute hard currency taxes, at the very minimum, toward the nation’s Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure, exploiting #SYNERGIES to meet its highly needed Revenue Earnings projections. Keeping up with inventions and innovations, viable activities are formed into sustainable earning ventures targeting global markets and contributing corporate and special purpose taxes, while, also employing educated, talented and skilled personnel who pay personal income taxes. Hence, such economic development is directly linked to the achievement of public Happiness, Peace and Respect.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.