Procreation to birth requires a team, it takes a
village to raise a child, athletes need a devoted coaching team to win and it
takes an Association to lobby for success. An Entrepreneur (Risk-Taker) with a very
bright idea, which would benefit a significant majority, is doomed to fail
without support. Family and Friends, only the ones who truly believe, offers
the essential motivation and emotional caring that can deliver success.
Government Grant programs, with all the needed regulatory support, are designed
to encourage and build Ideas into Industries with only an economic agenda.
Financial Backing asks to see a proven track record and an ability to repay, in
other words, present a full Strategic Plan. Patents, which offers the idea
promoter protection, is beyond the reach of any single Entrepreneur.
Deciding who is who and who will be there through
many failures before that one success, Family and Friends. Noting that, Success
is never finished, and Failure is higher learning, who will join the journey
and be happy along the way. Many successful family’s holdings will vouch that,
many family members are paid, to stay away from its operations. Family, a
chance of birth, Friends, a choice selection, if proven to be a bad choice it
rests as an emotional failure, difficult to get over. Destroying trust in human
beings, is fatal to the Entrepreneurial Spirit, with the only treatment being
Entrepreneurial Group Sessions.
Determining if politics has woven its way into Government
Grant programs is the first assessment the Entrepreneur must undertake, the
second is which side. The program’s governing board, consisting of political
party stalwarts or career professionals, must be convinced of the raw idea and
the Idea Promoter’s abilities to execute or learn. Funded, in numerous
territories, by the court seized, proceeds from criminal activities, recipient
ventures must show eco-socioeconomic benefits. Idea Promoters admitted to such
a program should receive legal, finance, insurance, employment and
administration advise and support. However, the real test of an idea can only
be judged, by other Entrepreneurs monitoring, through Incubation.
Financial Backing is available in various forms, consisting
of a mix of equity and debt; Angel Funding, Mezzanine Funding, Private Equity,
Debt Financing and other combinations. Angel Funding, by individuals or groups,
is a small grant given to fund trade or service type operations to benefit a
family or community in dire need. Mezzanine Funding, part equity and part debt
financing, is employed to expand operations to the next level; purchase
additional equipment or hire additional staff. Private Equity and Debt
Financing are used by operations, which has already established adequate revenue
streams. Noting, to avoid theft of ideas, Entrepreneurial Associations mediate
between the Idea Promoter and Financial Institutions.
The Entrepreneur and Idea Promoter must protect the
idea, from would be plagiarists, with legally binding Patents, Copyrights,
Trademarks, etc. Such plagiarists, also identified as pirates or patent trolls,
are well known to hold positions of power and sit in law firms awaiting key
documents. Architectural and Engineering Drawings, Formulas and Recipes, Detail
Procedures and Methods, which show key components, are purposely omitted from
Strategic Plans. If not, personnel in Financial Institutions, Governmental
Agencies, even Family and Friends, maybe corrupted into copying or stealing the
idea. Hence, who can be trusted? Other Entrepreneurs! Placing their valuables
in each other’s hands and lobbying for the necessary amendments to laws.
& Associates Company Limited
uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically
and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment
opportunity, not to invoke any social action.