Friday, October 5, 2018

Essential Ideas

Few are willing to devote their entire lives to an idea, many are trying to get rich quick. Of the few, a very high percentage will be disheartened by the society’s expectations. Leaving a very small number of tough, not management material, individuals who force themselves into accomplishments. An environment needs to be created to support those very few true entrepreneurs, these are the people that shape Nations, build Industries, create Jobs, please join me, help me… SEED, The Society for Entrepreneur& Economic Development.

Strengthening economies: Most risk-takers start in the business of Trade; buying, transporting, distributing, promoting and selling. The larger the inventory is the more complex the operation and the more jobs. Requiring an Entrepreneur with strong people skills. Service-Based business requires learnt and practiced skills, technical and vocational training. In the same vein, Professional Services require Academic study and experience. With such Entrepreneurs understanding Costing and Pricing, on top of their qualified skills, along with their people skills. Other niches, sectors and industries will require Inventors, Innovators (type of Entrepreneurs), hiring in the essential administrative and professional support skills to boost efficiency.

The Entrepreneur must be allowed to focus on the core issue, the product, the improvement, the distribution, the promotion, etc. but must be made aware of important legal and administration matters. Management without the formal training, much of which, comes from experience mentors, persons that have burnt to learn. The said persons on the selection committee that gives such risk-takers a place in the SEED Incubation.

SEED Incubation is more of a process than physical locations, using longer existing and larger sized operations, across numerous Sectors and Industries to flesh out the best Business Model. Allowing experience and talent to interact and develop. INCUBATION is a limited opportunity granted to a few business or social ideas, judged to be potentially viable, timely and sustainable, with other eco-socioeconomic benefits. Idea Promoters, individuals or groups, must also be assessed by this incubation process as to their own ability to implement and meet pre-set targets. Some ideas and idea-promoters, not all, may need physical locations and such premises, housing more than one participating idea, is commonly referred to as an incubator.

A space in such an incubator carries a financial cost, rental of premises, along with other administrative cost; salaries, electricity, communications, processing and other expenses, purchase of machinery and equipment and other fixed assets, inventory or other intangible property must be covered, in addition to the cost involved in scientifically testing the market, before a formal product launch and of course, maintaining a positive cash flow. The funds to pay these costs would traditionally come from friends and family and if the enterprise was to fail, you would be branded a failure, with outstanding debts still to be repaid and with no encouragement to refocus, learn from the errors and try again. Hence, incubation is and must be viewed as equity funding, paying the idea’s expenses until it can achieve viability or is abandon.

Idea Promoters”; refer to members of the Society, individuals or groups of individuals, with ideas which need nurturing into viable sustainable enterprises or industries. Noting that one idea can have many promoters, these are members selected as participants in the SEED’s programs to pursue developing selected ideas. Such members benefit directly, from moving an idea into enterprise and creating jobs, and indirectly causing the creation of more support and competitive enterprises, which in turn, results into industries and even more jobs.

Service Providers”; refer to members, an entity or person, approved by the SEED‘s Governing Body, who is prepared to assist the Society with time and effort. These are members comprising of social counselors, experienced private sector operators, public policy implementers and awardees of the Organization’s ‘Support Entrepreneur’ or ‘Master Entrepreneur’ titles. Such members benefit directly, from maximizing the use of underutilized physical assets and intellectual property inherent in the society, that great passion that comes from helping others and building a happier society.

Support Donors”; refer to members, an entity or person, approved by the SEED‘s Governing Body, who is prepared to assist the Society in a material way. These are members offering tangible support such as, cash or property donations, legal, financial, technological and management services, to advance implementation. Such members benefit directly, from numerous tax incentive programs, an expansion of the economy due to job creation and an increase of disposable income, and an overall safer and more productive society as entrepreneur can now find positive use for their natural talents.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.