Monday, May 6, 2019

The Resilient Caribbean

Whether man-made or not, the science is clear, the Climate is rapidly changing. Changing weather patterns result in; Heat Waves, Forest Fires, very Hot days in the dry seasons, strong Earthquakes and cold foggy nights, stormy rainy seasons, rising sea levels, all being; are proof of this Common Enemy, Climate Change. But one must also recognize and understand the risk to the population via poor leadership, inaction, corruption and unrest, as Politics and Justice must embrace and protect all. Adapting to this change will require; #EconomicDrivers; to foster new ideas, innovation and investment; #Infrastructure; to strengthen and build with different and better methods of construction; #Education; to develop talents and skills; #Healthcare; to manage communal and chronic diseases; #Security; to reduce violence and the illicit drug trade: And other Numerous #SYNERGIES.

A Nation is at risk of serious damage; recognizing that, Commonwealth type Constitutions, involving modern Politics of Division; fear and misinformation, often lead to Weak Leadership, Moral Inaction, Corruption Charges, Social Unrest and hinders National Development, the questions which need to be asked, must address:
·         Should Money in Elections be by statutory budget, from taxpayers only, limiting private contributions and the perception of buying influence?
·         Should the electorate vote directly for the Head of State, Non-Executive President, as this post is the ultimate check on the politicians?
·         Should A Prime Minister appoint ministers to the Executive Cabinet, ministers, experts in the relevant field, not a politician?
·         Should the public elect Party Leaders as Prime Minister and Opposition Leader by popular vote or constituencies won?
·         Should the public elect parliamentarians; as Lawmakers and to provide Oversight only, not to be part of the Executive Cabinet?
·         Should there be One local resident political representative elected and loyal first to neighbours in a constituency, before a political party?

Constitutional Reform; with independently calculated electoral boundaries, represented by a two-year elected resident to deliver local services, who can be removed for failure to Lead, with a five-year executive elected on Vision and Hope, and removed for holding on to the old inadequate methods. Noting that, such Politics causes the election and/or selection of the Nation’s Moral Leadership for a four-year term, the Executive Cabinet for a five-year term and Local Government representatives for a two-year term. While if, the Executive Cabinet term is changed to a six-year period at a fixed date to better prepare the electorate, causing Elections to be held every two years, then more can be accomplished.

A Nation and its fiscal policies are constantly at risk from international market forces, low production and/or quality levels, and bad management decisions. Hence; Economic Drivers SYNERGIES; to create and fairly distribute wealth, to offer all a pathway to earning, to encompass lifelong education, for all physically and mentally healthy and legally able 18-65 aged persons wishing to work.

A Nation and its electrification, connectivity and productivity are constantly in danger from malicious acts of sabotage, bad construction and poor maintenance. Hence; Infrastructure SYNERGIES; to plan, adjust and maintain public energy sources, transportation and communication networks, to construct industrial, commercial, public residential buildings, for protection of all lives and to minimize damage from natural disasters.

A Nation and its understanding and tolerance are constantly under threats from fear of authority, rebellion and delinquency. Hence; Education SYNERGIES; to develop a well-rounded citizen with a lifelong love of learning, to offer from Early Childhood to Tertiary Levels, to develop Talents and Skills; via apprenticeship, internship, incubation, for all people in the nation from birth to death.

A Nation and its people are constantly at risk from poisoned spaces, bad nutrition, poor treatment and contagious diseases. Hence; Healthcare SYNERGIES; to administer public spaces and environs, to manage environmental waste; whether Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Pollution, to control and limit communal and chronic diseases, for all person’s basic wellness.

A Nation and its borders and internal safety is constantly in danger from illegal entry, insurrection and crime. Hence; Security SYNERGIES; to preserve Human and other resources, to prevent, detect, and punish violent and non-violent Crime, to control illicit drugs and weapons, for all in a safe, happy and peaceful society.

Noting that, Synergies Reduce Risks and via Justice for All, is to provide such a mix of opportunities; Economic and Social to measure A Nation’s (Government Priorities) Happiness, Peace and Respect.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.