Monday, July 30, 2018

Synergies Reduce Risks

The Human Factor, yearning to be recognized and respected, must firstly learn what came before. Leaving the Human Race in a better state than was found, by adding value and improving lifestyles. The Human Tool is designed to; Construct and Assemble, Monitor and Report, Visualize and Create, Invent and Innovate. Selfishness, ego and personal ambition, seen as a natural human condition, causes some to pursuit, educate and employ, talents for the benefit of a few rather than the many. Excluding a very large number of the global population from decision making, by erecting numerous social barriers, and what is left behind is a poison planet.

Global Anger, encouraged by Politics of Fear, with some selling hate and exclusion, is causing many to revert into tribal orders and erect walls to protect their way of live. Educational, Poverty and Prison Walls; restrict access to receive, follow or keep up with the elite club and specialist jargon. Geographic, Political and Religious Walls; unable to physically access areas of a problem or a solution or to freely practice and gain moral guidance and communal support. Many not recognizing or simply forgetting that isolation would mean, forgoing many advances and conveniences, Information exchange, progress in, Agriculture, Communication, Technology, Energy, Transportation, and so much more, now common place and taken for granted, will be lost.

Human Beings, with proper guidance, are capable of four main roles; Developing, Inspiring, Administering and Building. The popular use of the word ‘leadership’ is contained in and among all these roles. Noting that, such roles are temporary, not a full personality trait, forming only a part of an individual’s existence. Persons having achieved some recognition of success, often did so by transferring and delegating leadership. Confidence, in developed talents, skills and abilities, are much greater attributes.

The Developer Role endeavors to Invent and Innovate. Researching pass attempts, this role; forges ahead to make better tools and equipment, designs improvements to current engineering practices, deliberates to map out more advance operational processes and procedural functions. Educating and Employing persons, rewarded with respect and material benefits, to prevent inefficiencies and incompetence, waste and losses, is to progress human existence. Such distinguish accomplishments, to devise and transform forces and actions, are further utilized in future research and development, and in combining applications and purposes, across sectors and industries, via studies and degree instructions, to further yield viable new solutions.
Understanding that, one success is only achieved upon many failures.

The Inspirer Role attempts to Visualize and Create. Researching pass systems and laws, this role; aims to make better public and private rules and regulations, debate and approve stronger policies and direct implementation, incorporating precedents and judgements. Electing and Appointing honorable persons, rewarded with respect and material benefits, to prevent anarchy and chaos, insurrection and disorder, is to better human behavior. Such moral efforts, to deliberate and form methods and controls are further utilized in future amendments and reassessments, and in uniting decision-making and implementation across and within societies, via majority agreements and legal orders, to further cause new solutions.
Using standardized rules and regulations is to widely manage ease of progress.

The Administrator Role is to Monitor and Report. Using established and accepted processes and procedures, this role; is to implement public and private approved policies, carry out checks and balances, accounting for every miniscule aspect. Employing and Engaging qualified persons, rewarded with material benefits, to prevent and identify misappropriations, detect and punish white-collar crime, is to strengthen human ethics. Such ethical tasks, to collect and correlate data on activities, are further utilized in future to better organize and control and to consolidate administering functions across sectors and industries, via legitimate and regulators rules, to further yield viable new solutions.
Paying people to insure persons are correctly paid.

The Builder Role is to Construct and Assemble. Using reputable and recognized methods and practices, this role; erects modern infrastructure and manufactures new devices, executes schedule maintenance and carries out emergency repairs, demonstrates operations and measures maneuvers. Cultivating and Contracting experienced persons, rewarded with material benefits, to prevent defective structures and ineffective instruments, waste and losses, is about human comforts. Such celebrated activities, to organize and achieve facilities and apparatuses, are further utilized in future models and applications, and to merge development solutions, across and within societies, via established and experienced directives, to further cause new solutions.
Supporting progress on the back of utilities and technology.

The common factor to cause viable new solutions is SYNERGIES; combining, uniting, consolidating, merging, to add value and improve lifestyles. Efforts to preserve the planet, must start with basic needs inclusive of educating each and every Human Being to a productive level. These efforts started with the United Nations (UN) Development Goals and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Global Currency Controls and Taxation Collected from Donor Nations and executing programs in Needy Nations. Continuing with the UN still trying to breakdown dividing walls, the UN Development Program (UNDP) and the IMF helps to provide healthcare, nutrition, communication and education to lift populations out of poverty.

We are moving from traditional methods into the viable future. We believe in and promote SYNERGIES to improve efficiencies. Projects, strengthen by combining revenue streams while, merging operations with maintenance and technological administration cost, to minimize prices to consumers and bringing together all branches of the Human Family.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.