Monday, May 27, 2019

Ethical Behaviour

Building character and molding integrity is to be exposed to social rights and wrongs, through moral teachings infused in the young developing brain, resulting in ethical behaviour. All improvement processes are driven by entrepreneurial ideas, from multiple sources of persons, with a Lifelong Love of Learning and a burning desire to strengthen their society. Attacks upon your adult character and integrity, by persons seeking to understand your decisions, will demand social communications and interactions under advance interrogation, not by launching counter attacks. Ethical Behaviour, builds and protects your ‘Good Name’ opportunities from slander and personal attacks, in doing right and supporting truth.

Morals and Ethics are presented in Mentoring and Parenting Guidance, via all Religious texts and throughout Mass Education systems. Guidance exist throughout life, both positive and negative lessons, but is most powerful and best learnt at the early childhood stage, when the brain is developing. The message in every story which forms Religion, reflects Moral teachings passed on, strengthened and adjusted throughout history. Lifelong Learning and mass education are based on the pursuit and identification of facts and fiction, truth and lies, right and wrong. As Human Beings constantly test their boundaries and grow, Personal Lessons are learnt to build character and mould integrity.

Most accreditation systems forces competition with the Joneses, pushing individual success, rather than collective team or Nation Building EDUCATION, to strengthen society. Such focus driven accreditation develops egos and greed, instead of fostering a Lifelong Love of Learning, using purposely designed lesson plans into both horizontal study guides and standalone vertical reference material modules. Guides and modules which focus thinking on past situations, current methods and better ways and means, while encouraging the widest use of entrepreneurial ideas. Working with the Joneses to share rewards of successes and learn from failures, creating individual respect for each and every step in the improvement process.

As a responsible adult, Your Moral Leadership, lessons learnt and clearly understood forms your strength of character and sense of integrity. As a role model, Your Ethical Behaviour, an example to others in society must be constant and stand up to advance interrogation. Morals taught you to think of social rights and wrongs, while Ethics controls your multiple social communications and interactions. Yes, one must think before acting, but after taking action, your explanation or lack of, is the measure of your character and integrity. When your character and integrity is being questioned and attacked, one must defend decisions, not the attackers conduct.

To protect your, lifelong structured, good character and strong integrity one must, therefore, engage publicly and constantly, in doing right and supporting truth. Associating with only like-minded people, who are continuously making efforts to protect their strong character and good integrity, from slander and personal attacks. This is only possible by placing and keeping, Morals before Money, in all aspects of your life, decisions must never be based on more money but on building and protecting your ‘Good Name’ opportunities. Opportunities which offer you a chance to be good, strengthen your society, lead family and friends, through Ethical Behaviour.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.