Monday, April 11, 2016

Security Concerns

Natural Disasters whether or not caused by climate change, notwithstanding, the world is on an emotional edge and high alert, mainly against manmade intrusions from opposing lifestyles, wealth disparities, discrimination, gender imbalance, etc. general security breaches; which must now form the starting point in every strategic development plan. There are so many avenues for mass destruction on a global, regional, national, corporate and personal scale. These dangers and solutions must be publicly addressed and connected in order to sustain and improve standards of living.

Water and Sewerage are the most vulnerable because any attack can easily be made to look natural. Waterways and treatment plants are soft targets for biochemical attacks, poisonings of humans, animals and crops. Waste untreated, solid and liquid, is also an easy way to transmit laboratory created disease through insects, contact, airborne and the food supply. The solution most applied is to locate army base security forces around treatment plants with training exercises and patrols along the supplying waterways and to implement waste recycle technology to limit and secure toxic byproducts.

Electricity Networks are also very susceptible to sabotage, at generation, storage and distribution points. Generation facilities, inclusive of its fuel; Natural Gas, Diesel, etc, supply network and storage is fairly easy to compromise; easier than geothermal, wind or solar, and must be physically protected and inspected with offsite operational instruments monitoring performance. Distribution grids and substations are vulnerabilities requiring monitoring, numerous redundancies and unscheduled surprise inspections, noting that wide area outages are normally the first step in a more elaborate attack.

Transportation of Passengers and Cargo via Air, Sea and Land is the most difficult to protect and secure, as evident by attacks on passenger terminals, cargo trade routes and vehicles; made more treacherous when passing within the reach of impoverish communities. Such neighborhoods breed pirates, kidnappers, and other criminal gang activities as the only method of survival, making the solution an investment in a mix of social reforms; religious, sport and cultural based activities with comparative economic rewards as oppose to an illicit lifestyle, transforming crime hot spots into legitimate opportunity driven locations.

All types of security breaches, even lone wolf actions, leading to mass disruptions damage and death, start with a plan discussed among displease persons. Identifying and reducing such levels of distress must be the first step in any security strategy, followed closely by learning details of the plan and employing preventative measures around the final target. Not letting news of demise; caused by poisoned water, disease spread, invasions or suicide bombings, ignite and provoke terror throughout the society motivating others disgruntle persons to join, seeking answers in much the same way.

The law demands proof of expressed thoughts and achieved tasks to convict and condemn, whereas security requires vetting and access; the state of mind of persons with access to keys. Data breaches which can alter; Information software, firewalls, identification, bio-metrics passports and passwords, Communication hardware, infrastructure, satellites, lines and routers, or influents assigned persons, granting access, more so remote access, to target any utility facility, transportation, communication and financial system, must not be ignored, engaging every intelligence agency in the world, via a court order to follow the money, not based on an amount but on its intended use.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.