Monday, April 4, 2016

Old Friends

 Childhood friends, Martin, Chris, Will and Tom, having gone separate ways, are reunited in their late sixties in a single dwelling complex, to reflect on their lives. Without spouse and children in their daily activities, they again became codependent, having been taxpaying workers, supervisors, managers, saved and invested through numerous financial instruments and pension plans, but never saw themselves as owners.

Martin, the sportsman, spent his life as a physical worker and machine operator with the state’s utility water division. With a very simple life, recently widowed and as the father of six adult offspring, educated and independent, saw himself as only Worker/Employee engaged in manual duties, skill operations, administrative tasks, and totally dependent on the collective bargaining provided by his union, and now receives a state pension. “I was much more; I was a role model to all I came in contact with, showing my work ethic and sense of responsibility.” “Although, my modest fixed pension can just pay my rent and living expenses, I still have my health and some good friends.”

Chris, the math mind, worked thirty years at several desk jobs planning and reporting activities mainly in the transportation and insurance sector. With a late divorce and child maintenance payments limiting savings, saw himself as a Supervisor/Employee engaged in overseeing operations, benefiting from the union collective bargaining process and from some odd clerking jobs built a small clientele of business, which pays him for taxation services. “I encourage people to learn and not to take short cuts; as I always say ‘as easy come easy go’.” “I can pay my living expenses and as long as I have my mind, I can earn more and tell some jokes.”

Will, the geek, studied along society’s expectations, became a medical doctor and specializing as a gynecologist. With hefty student and car loans, a large home mortgage and an initial investment in a private practice, saw himself as a Manager/Employer engaged in overseeing operations, this did so well as to afford annual family holidays and a good, individually negotiated, retirement annuity. “As a professional, I know society’s eyes were on me for guidance and moral conduct.” “I can offer consultancies, do some research, teach, write or live on my pension but I think life has more to offer; good and bad, so bring it on.”

Tom was always, the risk-taker, seeking opportunities to ply physical and mental skills or engage in trade activities to earn and reinvest. With numerous losses as early ventures failed and a few late successes that replenished and grew into sustainable interest income, saw himself as Self-Employed, seeking individual returns on investment or social benefits. “I had to do whatever was needed to survive.” “I built this geriatric home as my pension, not just to cover my living expenses but to surround myself with good friends to keep me save and secure, physically and mentally fit, with new ideas and projects to reduce boredom.”

They all seem to be engaged in deep thoughts and frequent conversations surrounding Individual Choices vs. The Greater Good. These childhood friends are now starting to realize that Personal Ethics, Integrity, Morals, Health, Wealth, Ambition and even Greed must be balanced and strengthen with Family, true – not fair weather Friends, Community, and Religious support. After spending forty plus years, pursuing what each learnt and saw as social expectations, to again realize and rediscover that happiness is a group activity.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.