Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Civics

The current teaching is that in a democracy there are three independent branches of Government; the legislation, the judiciary and the executive branch. A case can be made to remove open politics from the execution of Government services by creating a forth branch; the Public Services.

The legislation is made up of both houses of parliament or congress, elected members representing their constituencies and appointed members representing expertise to review and make new laws. The judiciary is made up of judges and magistrates, officers of the courts sworn to without fear or favor uphold the existing laws. The executive branch runs the country’s economic affairs, policy and budget, within the constraints of existing laws and recommends changes to these laws that would improve operational delivery. The public service ministries presently falls under the executive branch and is charged to implement policy directives within budget but without the statutory power to execute.

In a world where elected Governments can be changed in the middle of project implementation, it is certainly wise to remove open politics from the decision on large scale and long-term projects, while maintaining transparent reporting. Some examples of this that already exist are: Currency monitory policies, National Insurance Funds and other public savings instruments or retirement programs are independent of the Ministry of Finance. Water management, Electricity generation and distribution operate independently from overseeing ministries. Police, Prisons, Defense forces are all autonomous from the Ministry of National Security.

An independent Public Service, managed by professional with the relevant expertise, should constantly make recommendations as to projects or changes in laws that would offer improvements to the executive branch for prioritizing and funding considerations. Professional managers having been appointed due to qualification and experience to head a ministry is subject to performance review and removal by the present executive but this will not affect the ministries’ previously approved and funded projects or other deliverables. Hence, the ministry of education can formulate long-term to construct and equip schools, the ministry of health can implement compatible technologies to track wellness trends, and the ministry of transportation can take a thirty (30) year approach to the development of mass transit solutions.

These professional managers, each in charge of a different ministry, should report to the country on their stewardship periodically and not a member of the legislation, the judiciary or the executive branches and must not be openly involved in politics. Designing long and medium term plans and projects that clearly set out to improve the quality of life for all citizens without political concerns but based only on developmental needs, so that the building of infrastructure or delivery of public services is implemented or expanded in-turn based on efficiencies and is in-fact shown to be scheduled for financing without political direction, this or to be the mandate of the forth branch of Government, a professionally managed and constitutionally independent Public Service.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.