Saturday, May 30, 2009

Constructive Solutions

As a people we constantly have to deal with problems, some can be classified as unintentional but most are of our own making and condemnations with follow. An animal appearing on the highway resulting in costly vehicle repairs can be described as an unintended problem. Not having adequate insurance to deal with the incident (vehicle repairs and of course, the animal) is a self-induced problem. Why would anyone drive without insurance or a healthy cash position?

The world’s eyes are on you, as technology has given media passes to all with a 3G cell phone, to record and broadcast any incident to connect actions to responsibility and to character. If the aforementioned vehicle accident was recorded and uploaded on to the internet, we the people will decide its level of interest. If the driver is relatively unknown, the animal is not endangered or the vehicle is not a rare model, the public interest will be low. Needless to say, if the vehicle is extraordinary, the animal is in danger of extinction or the driver is a known personality or can be connected to one, the public’s outrage will amplify interest.

Media sell contra verity. The truth expressed in a very captivating way. We the people buy and eat it up. We cannot get enough. The closer it is to home the better it taste. Even if it is misleading or sensationalized lies, its serves the public good. It is acceptable, as long as it does not directly affect me. It is they who chose to be in the public domain.

What good is criticism without recommendations for improvement? Everywhere people gather and speak they must feed their appetite for self importance; who has the most, who is stronger, who has influence, basic animal instincts. But why is it, that all one can do is to criticize others actions or inactions? We all do it. We all should stop, especially in the present of younger not fully developed minds of people who may misinterpret a purely academic expression into a call for action without guidance as to what this action should be. People should always include their recommendations as how to fix a problem in their criticism of others who they believe has failed.

Blind loyalty is one strong factor that can block reasonable minds for ever meeting. Loyalty to tribe, spiritual believes or political organization should not blind any reasonable person from good judgment on any particular issue. Loyalty simple means that disagreements and difference of opinions would be first discussed privately and respectably resolved before publicly commenting on an issue, even if the disagreement stands. But blind loyalty assumes that one can do no wrong.

Leaders are trained to listen to suggestions from all corners that contain a strong critique of the problem and constructive solutions, well presented to influence others. Who with integrity would want to lead if criticisms came, not on the issues but as a personal attack and judged by public outrage fueled by media sensationalism and people who are in-charge of nothing? You, without proposals do not criticize!


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.