Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kitchen Garden

Once these following issues are not adequately addressed the world will always be in a food crisis: The present rate of global population growth; the present economic systems which benefit a few rather than the many; lifestyles successes driven by infrastructural development. And of course, manage responses to climate change. We obviously need an action plan.

I have long argued that the big issues in every society are Health and Education. In this model, Agriculture falls under Health. Feeding people is the only way to build and sustain a healthy society. This further allows for life-long learning and a productive population. Hence, food raw materials or finish goods trade, production, prices and security is an issue high on every Government’s agenda to avoid social unrest.

Every healthy meal, that comes to mind, contains seasonings, salads, starches and some source of protein. Consequently, the solution to the world’s food crisis is to invest money, time and technological advancement into the agriculture sector. If only it is so simple, failing some giant new technique in crop cultivation or animal rearing, or a new nutritional delivery system into the human body, the problem cannot be solved without addressing drastic social change.

The images of a successful lifestyle which are so available via electronic mediums need to change. Images such as a farmer delivering produce to a soup kitchen must replace a movie star driving a fast car to an elite party, or a parent using seasonings from their kitchen garden to prepare a healthy meal for their love ones must be better than a child worshiping a sporting icon. The message of success has to change.

Our farmers are truth heroes, converting and preparing limited lands to grow food crops or rear animals, dealing with changes in weather patterns, technological equipment, research and development and current economic factors, all with very little support and respect, to put nourishing food in front of each and every one of us. Because of fast paste development or unsuitable conditions, there are limited farm lands available for future production, but you and I can help out by planting food in our own kitchen garden and also becoming a hero. This will allow large scale farms to produce for export markets, while we feed our own community.

Yes, population growth has to be slowed, economic systems must become more balanced, infrastructural development must start with agricultural system designs build-in and climate change has to be addressed on a global scale, but most importantly, people must be reminded of their basic needs. Food, not just served on the table in the best restaurants or fast-food ready to eat, but the process of how and who is responsible for that meal. We all are busy people, which will pale in comparison to a nation of malnourished people.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.