Monday, August 29, 2016


Politics; the art of stopping an opponent from achieving any success, while in Government, which can be used to win the next election, seems to be a natural enemy to Productivity; a comparison of output, measured by revenue, in relation to inputs, inclusive of, capital and work. The aim is to improve overall Productivity, within main sectors and vital industries, fueling economic growth; to service and repay debt, to create new jobs and investment opportunities, while meeting budgetary obligations and hence, to improve standards of living across the board.

The Security Sector; consisting of military, policing, justice and prison inputs, demands a large percentage of the state's annual budgeted expenditure, and measures productive outputs in terms of; responding to natural disasters, defusing plans of insurrection, monitoring and controlling the borders, preventing and detecting murders, larcenies and other crime statistics, the speed of resolutions, and the state of rehabilitation. In other words, Productivity measured under this sector must provide safety for the population and property, under an atmosphere of peace.

The Maintenance and Repair Service Sector; must keep capital - existing infrastructure - and labour - service personnel - all functioning; water and electricity plants and distribution, transportation, communication and entertainment networks. It is this sector's interdependency that forms the productivity baseline; an effective production measure enabling the establishment of a benchmark or common point, against which performance improvements can be determined and hence, setting the measure for economic growth or declines.

The Agri-Business Sector; requires the cultivation of farms; arable lands, clean water, seeds, fertilizers, harvest equipment, animal feeds, medications, fishing equipment, fresh market facilities and, of course, downstream processing plants, essential for Food Security, must maintain its competitiveness by training and employing the best skilled personnel and state-of-the-art technology and techniques. This sector's objective is to produce healthy and nutritious foods for both domestic and export markets, noting its dependency on imports, generating foreign currencies becomes mandatory.

The Construction Sector; requiring all the necessary inputs to build housing and social facilities, such as; police stations, courts, prisons, education, religious, hospitals, air and sea ports and industrial parks, with expanding utilities networks, is extremely vital to match and keep pace with population and development growth. To spite massive technological changes within this very wide sector in recent times, it is still seen by many as highly labour intensive, job creative, outsourcing tentative and investment attractive, motivating a wide range of incentives to stimulate productive economic activities.

The Trade Sector; measured by Consumer Price Index CPI or Retail price Index RPI, the tracking of changes in a predetermined basket of products identifying inflationary or deflationary trends, has a direct impact on Productivity. Hence, reducing an international trade deficit is often related to increases in production outputs. The same can result from penetrating new markets with more advantageous trade agreements, diversification into more export led industries and decreases imports as an effect of buy local campaigns.

Whether caused by, lack of political will to implement necessary but difficult executive changes that are guaranteed to cost future votes, or by legislative gridlock blocking amendments to strengthen existing laws. Failures, of the political party presently in power, will therefore mean no diversification of the economy, no new revenue sources and a resulting slow rate, if any, of sustainable development; will have all the people suffering. Hence, like similar calls for an independent Auditor General, Public Prosecution, Budgets, etc., this is a further call for a truly independent Statistical office, headed by a director, elected directly by the people.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.