Sunday, January 5, 2020

People drive Diversification

(An extract from Foreign Direct Investment 2020)

Historical Economist will point out many successes and failures which proves that diversification is more about tax revenue collection than increasing local opportunities and jobs. As the world became a more connected place, through electronic technological advances in intelligence, communication and transportation, worldwide competition destroyed mid-central opportunities and jobs. Today, economic drivers consolidate, in locations of the finish product, essential raw material inputs and employ, global communication and transportation strategies, in its distribution channels. The future must, therefore, adapt to the movement of highly educated, skilled and talented people, following the sustainable development, growth opportunities and their dependable jobs.

A Gold Rush and other short lived get rich schemes, was powered by people’s recognition of a trade-able commodity, with fluctuating values based on supply and demand. Pork skins and other consumables were once in that class, until its raring became standard and markets were flooded, driving prices too low to be a long-term investment. Mining towns and extractive industries grew economically as the raw material extracted value was taxed to fund development services; security, healthcare, education and infrastructure. However, many such communities failed because the tax revenue from natural resources, dried up, with no effort to create more taxpaying opportunities and jobs.

Much was made of the industrial revolution, rather than the ideas, invention and innovation, as production ramped up and prices allowed a larger middle class. Advances in the electronic technological field created the circuit board, which also fueled computer hardware and mathematical software, and the internet connecting the world. Such a cheap global communication tool, widely available, allowed consumers to talk directly to manufacturers, firing intermediaries, the local retailer and middleman. Intelligence, on available raw materials, process products and transportation routes, became easy to find, shorting the traditional distribution channel and further reducing prices.

Natural resources, within a nation’s economic territory, currently drives development and investment in downstream operations, for example; Oil & Gas discovery, would drive nearby Refinery and Chemical manufacturing. This and other downstream opportunities and jobs will benefit the nation’s tax collection, depending on the raw material international price and product availability. Hence, a raw material producing nation already is dependent on global competitive forces, needing its communication and transportation strategies to sell its products. Diversifying into other revenue streams will, therefore, require the discovery of more natural occurring raw materials, such as industries and sectors driven by globally competitive ideas from the nation’s enterprising people.

Government policies must and will be modified to diversify its tax revenue, to fund, deliver wellness and healthcare, training and education, and vital social services, to its population. Getting its people ready to compete globally, for the best opportunities and jobs, will be at a cost which must be continuously funded. Tracking, monitoring and taxing this service sector in a foreign country, will require an honor system, a strong dependence on patriotism, and Government to Government negotiated contracts. Clearly benefiting the nation’s stay-at-home productive workers (police, nurses, teaches and maintenance operators), with free quality security, healthcare, education and social services throughout life.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.