Sunday, January 26, 2020

Happiness vs. Wealth

Sometimes, for a wider audience, a pure academic debate needs to be flavoured with some common sense, to move from ideas to implementation. Whether a nation or society is supported by one large economic driver or many smaller revenue sources, is not the core issue. The mission must be to create and preserve A Happy Society which will require consensus between decent people. The widening wealth gap presences the greatest risk to human peaceful development and existence and while the debate continues, the status co persists and nothing new and innovative is getting done to slow or stop or reverse this devastating gap.

Strangely, many academic papers tend to suggest that there is a major trend of thinking that there should be no limit to personal wealth, but poverty must be eliminated. Such thinking needs to be transformed. Selfishness destroys Nations. What amount of money is enough for an individual, a family, a community? The quest of wealth must be replaced by the pursuit of Happiness. Better Social Services, Helicopter Money and other innovative ideas must be examined and implemented quickly, so that poverty is reduced, and business operations earnings should be widely shared and distributed, via its taxes, to support such poverty reduction programs. This can and will benefit business by the expected reduction in crime and losses, and security and insurance expenses. Closing the wealth gap. While, making people much more comfortable, and full of hope and happiness.

A Noble Price may well be in the future for another academic thinker. Notwithstanding the vast number of people who contribute to society by Developing, Inspiring, Administering and Building via the four main roles of Life. Many unsung heroes go unrecognized and unrewarded throughout their lives, buried in unmarked graves as their contributions are used by others to better lifestyles. The Developers, who endeavours to Invent and Innovate. The Inspirers, who attempts to Visualize and Create. The Administrators who track to Monitor and Report. The Builders, who work to Construct and Assemble. The common people that form a culturally engaged and productive society.

Such People realize that they are not truly supported by Politicians, who chase low hanging fruit just enough to be re-elected. Party Politics appoints loyalist and contributors to leadership positions, with or without the appropriate talent, skills, experience or training. It is people formed into small groups or communities, where the issues lie, and it is here, where the solutions must be found and are formed. Policies from the People for the People. Hence, it is such small constituencies which must vote for a representative from among themselves. Local Government. Retaining the right to recall, remove and replace, via a majority. Calling for Policies before Politics as a nation’s governmental structure.

Elected Local representatives must discuss, decide and implement plans to better the community’s Security, Health, Education, Infrastructure and Economic Drivers. The community’s security objectives are to Protect and Serve, maintaining a relatively safe and secure society and environment. Nutrition and Wellness, a tasty healthy economically viable basic public diet, is the Future of Food and healthcare. The Education Mission; to develop a Consensus on Education, a Skilled and Productive Individual forming a Tolerant and Peaceful Society. While, Climate Change is quickly demanding Resilient Infrastructure to protect and preserve Human Lifestyles and redefine property. This dedicated politician, an executive not a lawmaker, must also constantly be focus on (Diversification fuels Opportunities) and engage to negotiate with suitable sectors and industries, to locate or relocate operations within the community, to generate local taxes and create local jobs.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.