Monday, May 9, 2016

Political Promises

In the first year of a five year political term, celebrating an election victory, rewarding candidates and key supporters with positions of influence; Ministerial Portfolios, Chair of Boards, Directorships and getting down to work. Learning about the true state of affairs from the permanent public officers, historical records, while seeking out corruption done in the last political term under the opposing party is common. Touring development works in progress, finding strategies to gain further political mileage, and identifying good people and companies from within, to do the necessary things that have to be done, while protecting the party image. Noting that, opposition and public criticism generally increases towards the end of the first year.

By the second year, more voices are raised against proposals that can never please everyone, with the political opposition jumping on board, even if it was their own proposal. Recognizing that the party's image is now all about governance, getting things done for the nation, will have to be examined under two tracks; legal and capacity, does the law need to be amended and does the capability currently exist within the nation, the know-how, the tools and the finance. More importantly, are such proposals feasible going forward, in terms of value for money and number of lives improved. Noting that, there will always be someone appointed willing to breach the laws to fast track a vital project or find other short cuts, this will further fuel the opposition.

The third year will see some small development works taking place, increases in make work programs, while, meaningful projects that have the ability to improve lifestyles are stalled, requiring opposition support to enact laws and further study. Frustrating professional people who thought they could do good, leaving those who are after financial gains creating public investigations, while further side tracking development issues and projects. Leading the governing party defending numerous allegations and failings to amend laws and implement projects, instead of addressing the work they were elected to do. The opposition, smelling blood in the water, intensify its attacks, creating rumors and distrust throughout the nation and calls for early elections.

The next years, the Government finds itself lame and weak and cannot accomplish any meaningful development in the remaining time, but can still change laws requiring a simple majority, still a long difficult task and one that does not play well on the political trail. With some new low cost housing, new school buildings, a hospital or two, and timely road repairs, the party in power must face reality. Staking its records with statistics and economic measures, is the standard fallback position, and leaving the nation in the same mess, as funds finds itself into the hands of party loyalists and supporters, to finance the next election campaign.

In the final year of the political term, a mudslinging election year, the party in power theme is "Let us look forward." "We still have work to do." "Do not let the opposition up root us." and of course, the same development issues and projects are restated, the cycle continues, not benefiting the nation or the electorate. An independent office of budgets is very essential to continue legislative and development works beyond a political term, breaking this paralyzing planning effect, by utilizing feasibility studies and strategic plans undertaken previously and implementing works, sustainable development, across any change in Government, to the benefit of We, the People.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.