Monday, May 2, 2016

Selling State Assets

There is no need to dispose of state owed assets, new listings on the stock exchange can bring much needed cash into the treasury without losing the assets' future earnings capabilities, at the same time, forcing greater efficiencies by adding more regulations from the Securities Exchange Commission. Protecting employment, both Workers and Management jobs in line with performance, from threats associated with state funding and offering Investors peace of mind as to future annual returns.

Grouping the shares held by the corporation sole in Water Management, Electricity Generation and Distribution, and other state run utilities under a National Utilities Corporation can offer investors, such as; Pension Funds, Workers Unions, Insurance companies, a valuable Return on Investment. This is not new thinking, as utility listings are seen as; safe havens, recession proof, low risk instruments on the New York, London and other well establish global Stock Markets. Other groupings, as sectors matures, can follow a similar path; Tourism and Real Estate Assets for example, followed closely by Transportation and, in the long-term, Agribusiness.

Learning from past failures and successes, floating ten percent of such holding companies can raise billions, via this initial public offering, with a onetime shares price gain, paid into the state's current account can reduce the national deficit simultaneously, decreasing the need for further borrowings. Such future earnings can result in additional annual revenues of ninety percent of dividends declared and paid, while reducing political influence on the operations, as the holding company is made much more transparent.

Reducing or even eliminating, line item expenditure, subventions from taxpayers, as tighter forecasting, controls and reporting will produce better capital returns and maximum daily outputs. Professional management will have to plan and budget accurately to finance all necessary repairs, maintenance, and expansion activities and be held responsible for cost overruns and missed deadlines, also motivating staff and increasing productivity, remembering that the relevant union will also own shares.

Hiring professionally trained and technically skilled employees, whether by individual or collective negotiated agreements, to fill the approved organizational structure is key. Implementing the board approved Strategic Plan, projected with contingences to adjust to current market conditions and response to unforeseen circumstances, is crucial. Reporting on time to regulators and shareholders reduces any risks associated with corruption.

Maintaining investor confidence by predicting quarterly growth and executing within that targeted range is the executive management responsibility. Allowing the entity to independently raise capital and engage in borrowing as required, both commercially on the open market and from international agencies, on its own strengths is essential, limiting the state's role to that of an investor and a regulator. Hence, Government must restructure the boards, with experience and multi discipline personnel, to guide policies to list such operations in the very short term and over the long term to produce many years of positive performance.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.