Monday, December 24, 2018

Consensus on Education

Human Beings, you and I, from birth to death, will Learn. Lessons which can be positive or negative to benefit family, friends and society. Education is not a Choice, it is Human Nature to Learn. The Healthy Human Brain is taught to compartmentalize data from multiple sources, sort and arrange into information, query and test into intelligence, until it becomes widely accepted as knowledge. This is Education; an ongoing personal process of gathering, analyzing and storing knowledge, used to make and implement the best timely decisions, an important effect of life, mainly judged by other human beings, that depend on you; children, co-workers, peers, and the criminal justice system.

Such frequent and experience Decision-Making over time leads to Wisdom, as many wrong decisions are used to inform, but eliminated from practice. The right foundation is to Create a Life-Long Love of Learning, and design oneself as a lesson plan, an example to all others. For the human beings that spends to most time around you, will mirror you. Sharing good and bad habits and traits. Noting that, too many Human Beings see the difference between formal education (accreditation) verses lessons of necessity (insightfulness) as affordability. (Abject Poverty offers its own education!) Listening, reading, discussing, sharing other opinions and merging it with your current knowledge continues the education process.

Human Beings, having been judged by others and awarded Academic Accreditations, are hired in well paid Leadership Roles and given a title to achieve Goals and Objectives. Many not even knowing how to effectively or persuasively speak to people, how to motivate a team, but must assess performance. Leadership training, skills and techniques would be misapplied to persons without the pertinent background. Hence, Management; Strategizing, Planning, Supervising, Monitoring and Reporting or for example; Sport Management functions cannot be easily transferred or delegated to captaining a sport team without the appropriate Leadership Lessons.

Having survived through different levels of poverty, internment or incarceration, such Human Beings would have naturally learned to lead, with minimum academic support and a strong sense of loyalty, be able to produce and play any part in Society, positive or negative. Such persons may not be able to read or write, generally labelled by society with negative intents, but will always be on time and ready to perform. Management training, skills and techniques would be misapplied to persons without the pertinent background. Hence, Leadership in Developing, Inspiring, Administering and Building or for example, even in captaining a sport team, cannot be easily transferred or delegated to Sport Management or other project teams without the appropriate Management Lessons.

An Education System that will no longer grade people, only measure their stage of development or performance.(Judging and rewarding based on results not Accreditation or lack thereof.) No more First and Second place suggesting one individual is better than another. No more putting unnecessary pressure on individuals to win or lose, succeed or fail, assigning destiny, instead of bringing everybody along at their own speed and ability. A system, executed across numerous campuses, measuring performance of teaching by individual learning progress, and encouraging the use of technology to learn from anywhere and on any-timeline.

The Education Mission; to develop a Skilled and Productive Individual forming a Tolerant and Peaceful Society.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.