Monday, December 31, 2018

Electricity Generation

This is still a viable opportunity

Offshore Wind with very small Natural Gas input and Tidal Electricity Generation…

10 years ago, if this proposal was politically supported with the necessary legislative amendments, at the time already in breech, to purchase produced electricity via a (“T&TEC” must buy all “Trinity Power Limited” for Smelter operations) Sale-to-Grid contract, the nation would have benefited and be benefiting, by means of Natural Gas Savings for other commercial purposes, Earning additional Strong Foreign Currency and further Diversifying the Local Economy with A New Industry, New Jobs.

The nation would have maintained and created New Jobs (Welders and Fabricators) previously involved in building its Natural Gas Pipeline Network.

The nation would have had created A New Industry, in an export driven, earning foreign currency, company and diversified into turbine Manufacturing, Installation, Operation and Maintenance, with its Caribbean Neighbours as its first customers.

This would have saved, for other usage, a significant amount of Natural Gas over these years. Natural Gas sales for Ammonia and Methanol production, for export as Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), and for local transportation usage of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

Commissioning locally in stages, an offshore wind farm supplying electricity to the grid at a greatly reduce cost. This would have been followed by offshore Natural Gas Pipeline Networks to Caribbean Islands to strengthen production in low or high winds. Hence, selling Caribbean Customers a Synergy of Clean Energy. Further, taking advantage of Tidal Power to generate electricity and clean beaches.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.