Monday, January 7, 2019

Nurturing Thoughts, Mentoring Ambition

Every Monday morning, there is a new catchy phrase or headline to describe Global Economic Transactions. The term “Market” refers to the general description of a destination; a geographic or cyber place, time and circumstance under which a product range will be offered to customers, will best perform and will be consumed. “Production Circumstances” use adjectives, such as; Recyclable, Renewable Energy, the Green Economy, Ocean-based with the Blue Economy being the most current, to describe major Economic Drivers. Balance Budget, Cash-Based, E-Commerce, Information, Intelligence, or Knowledge based Economy are terms used to describe “Economic Transactions” processes, procedures, systems and transfers.

Consider “The Targeted Market” by defining, identifying and observing trends with products (Goods and Services) specifically researched and developed and trustily branded. Within each defined Targeted Market, Clients, Customers and Consumers are being served by competing Products under and utilizing “Production Circumstances”. A Good displayed on a retail shelve or direct from its source, a service delivered at a central location or by home appointment, a solution being applied by bringing in expertise or by sending out for Training. “Economic Transactions” are required within each defined Targeted Market: Cash Exchanges, Currency Conversions, Electronic Networks, Bank Verifications, Intermediary Articles, Legal Deeds, Financial Bills & Bonds, etc.

Each Targeted Market, inclusive of the local market, will have unique societies; People with shared Historical Culture, spread over exclusive geographic or cyber Places, living in economic environments, demographics which needs to be understood and factored into Strategic plans. Noting that, The People’s aspirations, Ecological, Social and Economic Development, will be linked to its Politics. It is this leadership, via laws, regulations and licenses, which will dictate the success of a strategic plan based on any entrepreneurial ideas.

The knowledge of circumstances is the first stage towards any improvement. The term “Product” refers to general goods and services, made available for trade and consumption, which provides mutual benefits to all parties involved in the transfer of ownership. “Product Design” addresses various components that supports the total product, such as; transportation, storage, promotion, training, etc. The Entrepreneur, Risks Taker, Ideas Promoter, (cannot help themselves) goes about life constantly with improvements in mind.

Human Beings, you and I, must pay particular attention to the level of risks any development poses. Development cost must include, known and currently unknown, losses, harm and damage to ecology systems and the cost to replant, that will eventually affect all Life. Hence, Solutions are now proposed within and as part of opportunities, initial contributions. Noting, the waste populations add to the planet, the extraction of raw materials, the building of road and communication networks and the crowded skies that allow air travel, all demanded at a cheaper price. Now, please point to the infrastructure you will stop using and the conveniences you are prepared to give up?

The Post Graduate Work (Thesis or Dissertation), moves the ideas into a mixed of academic research and practical results, judged to be further developed or abandoned. Engaging the entrepreneur, guided by advisors, service providers, to produce a highly dynamic, constantly updated, Strategic Plan, which will eventually extract a Prospectus aimed at Investors and a Business Plan targeting Lenders.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.