Monday, January 21, 2019

Business Models Preservation and Growth

Global Sector and Industry Classification (SIC) Statistics consist of data collected and analysed on and about each countries’ Economic Drivers. Pointing to the best Business Models operating under a particular SIC Economic Driver, establishes and sets Global Standards. This Global Standard is the base by which all SIC Economic Driver’s operators are measured and compared to be judged as viable. Compared by quality, age, method, function, process, type, etc. Measured by input, size, quantity, output, etc. And ranked by historical performance of Free Cash Flow. Hence, any operation, comparing and measuring like to like, can be graded against the Global Standard.

Each Individual Operator, working within the SIC Economic Driver, should at Board level constantly separate success from failing profit centres and make decisions to continue or transform, preserve or abandon. Closely and Constantly Monitoring each operator’s profit centre will identify waste, corruption and other losses and implement early mitigating actions. Hence, as a SIC Economic Driver with individual operators monitoring and reporting annually to an independent Office Of Budgets (OOB), a nation can measure its Economic Drivers. Such an OOB would pronounce on and incorporate each SIC Economic Driver’s contribution to the National Budget; Taxation Income Revenues and to National Statistics; Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Business Models should be designed to produce a range (Quantity & Quality) of product to supply its market demands, to preserve and expand a SIC Economic Driver, its direct and indirect operations, its direct and indirect jobs, and sustain its taxation revenue via Mergers and Acquisitions. Merging numerous small entities, cranking up production or combining Operations to maximize Economies-of-Scale (School of Fish moving in unison) will service an expanding market. Acquiring large entities, slowing down production or shutting down Operations to minimize Economies-of-Scale (Big Fish-eating Smaller Fish) will control price margins. Hence, growing the market share under control, whilst, protecting the margins via costing and pricing formulas.

A Business Model would also transform or create a new SIC Economic Driver via Synergies. Combining and transforming to facilitate Consumers’ expectations and Shareholders’ returns, is for the very survival of this SIC Economic Driver, Operations, Jobs and Taxes. Vertical or horizontal integration are well-known methods of combining sectors and industries. Bettering the product range, creating new revenue streams and reducing administration expenses will add efficiencies and effectiveness throughout operations. Mobile processing or locating production plants in close proximity to the major raw material or to a central access or distribution point allows for transportation and communication savings. Further Synergies, are constantly being researched, developed and market tested. As an example, consider Renewable Energy or Battery Technology. What is   to become the Global Standard?

Discussions and Decisions to Continue, Transform, Preserve or Abandon Business Models are judged by the Free Cash Flow which is projected to be generated, per profit centre, in the short to medium term. Free Cash Flow is calculated as Earnings before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA), used to measure an operation’s historical performance, which is compared to and ranked against Global Industry Statistics. Hence, such Free Cash Flow must be positive and able to pay these omitted but committed obligations to attain Breakeven, assign Fair Value and be judged Viable. Hence, able to contribute to bettering GDP, Taxes, Jobs, and Lifestyles.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.