Monday, February 15, 2016

Diversification fuels Opportunities

The vision is to reduce revenue dependency on any single industry or sector and hence, diversifying an economy is to generate an equivalent amount to balance revenue across numerous sources, as to spread and lessen the risks associated with one set of matrix.
Common mistakes are trying to replace strong currency earnings with income of weaker foreign currencies with less purchasing power. Exchanging one volatile industry for another; abandoning hydrocarbon energy, heavily dependent on international pricing, for a tourism gaming industry, which will only grow to depend on international funding. Moving from extraction into energy processing, transport into vehicle building and repairs, trade to light manufacturing, which have similar input/output factors, the value added offers minimal gains while the risk exposure remains the same.

Opportunities must be judged, analyzed and considered for initial investment based on available resources, options available to targeted markets and essentially, clear and prudent competitive advantages, which make it feasible and offer competitive returns on investment over the long-term. Available resources must consider the current financial state and the ability to borrow and attract investors and the human and material resources necessary and obtainable. Targeted markets are identified by their needs, wants, and of course, their ability to pay. Competitive advantages, which are presently in place, must be protected to glue the transactions.

Detail strategic plans; surrounding the targeted markets, properly resourced using every competitive advantage, are selected for scaled implementation, incubation and monitoring, ideas into industries, and upon a predetermined level of success, recapitalize via an IPO to repay and recycle the initial investment.

The world markets are clearly described in terms of security, energy, construction, food, transportation, communication, healthcare, education and entertainment. Hence, small countries and economies have added advantages of forewarning from larger economies, the strength of its geographic location, Multicultural, Peaceful, with Internet infrastructure, current cheap (fuel and lubricant) energy and being quite Maneuverable can compete in niche markets, attracting higher prestigious prices for quality, as oppose to standard prices for quantity. Such small economies can therefore attract necessary resources; equity and debt financing and skilled creative people, to win and keep market share in multiple sectors utilizing synergies and economies of scale.

What is needed from the executive branch of Government is the political will to diversify on a small scale. The initial investment, included in the Development Programme, is to plan and incubate numerous industries, aiming for a few successes per year that can benefit from further expansion. Engaging international negotiators and trade lawyers to strengthen deals made under trade and industry functions. Establish a foreign revenue collection agency. Transforming foreign missions into sales representatives; promoting its people, products and places. Using public resources to file and to protect international copyrights and defend the country’s brand. Locally, Governmental endorsement is needed to; establish “Buy All” programs, expedite work permits, buildings approvals and other regulatory licenses.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.