Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wealthy Legacy

Wealth is more about power and influence than about being rich or having money. A popular joke says; a rich person gets paid a lot of money but a wealthy person signs that pay check. This implies that commitment, training, opportunity and sound financial management can and will make you rich. The joke also implies that one person can be wealthy. The truth however, is that all economic systems, presently in existence, rely on controlling the masses, by fear or by favor. That horrid knock on the door in the middle of the night, seizing all things of value, simply because you visibly have more than others, in some systems is not a crime.

In a democracy, where any citizen can become head of state or head of Government and can access a court of law for redress and will be treated fairly, being rich is acceptable but true wealth must be hidden. In a favor driven economy one must, at the very least, give the appearance of working long hours to justify having and earning money. The rich may have marketable skills, an executive office, and a highly secured home with access to company owned vehicles and other amenities, but wealth is what the rich manages and must do it well if not to be fired. Segregation is the key, for while the rich are dress in business suits, most of the people, in the middle of the working day, in a private club or on yachts, own the wealth.

Wealth is generated from commercial activity compounded over time and the responsibility of managing such wealth is not left to the person or persons who presently own it. For example, a descendant of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite which spawn many profitable business including banks and insurance companies and holds investments in numerous other enterprises, has never had to go without a meal or a pair of shoes, has certainly experienced the finer things and has never had to work to pay bills, but just imagine the lives of their children. The world class lawyers and trusted economists employed to oversee that wealth; their children maybe rich, but may never own any part of the wealth, and therefore, will not benefit from its payouts.

It must be mention that research found that many third and forth generations born into wealth are themselves practicing professionals. However, the trusted employees of the fund exist day to day with enormous power and influence, getting things done by fear and by favor, to continue the growth of the bloodline wealth, while protecting the family’s name and image by cleaning up after them. These fund managers, living so closely to wealth, are the ones that suffer by being ordered around by the wealth and managing undisciplined children. The children of those fund managers, who are brought up alongside the wealthy children, have the most difficulty, especially if unqualified. Nevertheless, the wealth will most likely survive them all, and that is the greatest concern; their legacy.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.