Saturday, October 16, 2010

Defining Politics

It is said, “Politics is about the distribution of power”. This maybe idealistic but in practice, is a necessary immorality and comfort for a fool. I believe that it is a control mechanism set out to divide the masses, using any means necessary so that the minority groupings with never have equal power, clearly discriminating against the individual and focusing to protect wealth. Many examples exist, in all types of political systems, to support this believe but it all comes down to the majority of wealth, to purchase influence.

Different systems of politics; democracy, socialism, liberalism, communism, can all be studied to come to the same conclusions. Political scientists have not devised any new systems to replace the nature of mankind; which is and has always been to strengthen self before community. Many individuals prays themselves and look down on others, for the move from solving disputes through wars, bombs, guns and violence, without understanding their history and their reality. The fight is for the control of resources; kill the rightful owners or file claims in courts, this is the measure of societies’ evolution.

Whether in the workplace, local communities or nationally or internationally, politics is about converting all to your way of thinking. An individual; has an idea that may benefit society, has to promote thoughts, influence people to win resources, implement and measure results, now if this is seen as successful, then the person with another idea, not familiar with the system, has to win over that previous thinker, who by now is embedded as a recognized politician. Eventually, this leads to party politics; the labeling, from one side or another, of a group of ideas, sold to improve lifestyles.

When hiring a lawyer, remembering that in most societies it is against the professions’ rules to advertise, it is common practice to seek out one that has built a winning record in similar matters. Medical doctors recommend and refer patients to others with specialty practices. In the profession of politics, with dynamic rules where one supports a party, any candidate can be presented to a constituency without regards for experience, expertise or the loyal individual’s wishes. Remembering that, the candidate must be able to raise funds for the political campaign.

Politics is about representation not friendship, adopting a constitution and offering amendments, formulating policies and budgets, and of course, implementing and evaluating results, for the benefit of all the people. However, if two roadways needed repairs, costing equal amounts, but one benefits ten wealthy households and the other benefits one hundred in a poor community, the choice of who to represent depends on the next election date. Politics is a deterrent for ambitious people not to become criminals, for with their education and skills, leadership is inherent and the society needs, articulate above ethical, leaders.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.