Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Politics Zone

Within the hallow chamber of the legislature, where laws are made giving effect to decisions of the executive, there must be no mention of political allegiance while debating issues that will affect the entire population. Party politics has it place and purpose, this having been done; brings on the serious work of building a society, which should be seen by all as an exchange of ideas to strengthen policies and programs, and to be above the attacks of party politics.

The review of the economy and budgetary plans and programs designed and managed by the executive to impact on standards of living. Reviewing each and every policy to evaluate its effectiveness and its efficiency, and to allocate resources to continue the good and transform the bad, under projected financial conditions, mainly by focusing on tax collections, competitiveness and living services.

Taxation is the only revenue source available to the executive, income from royalties and interest income on savings and investments are based on previous tax collections, hence, the executive can only fund its policies and programs via borrowings, if it tax revenues are insufficient. Taxes are only generated from business activities, directly using sales, import and profit based taxes and indirectly through employment hence, the challenges are in the collection systems and positioning the country as a competitive location for growth business activities.

Competitiveness, which is industry not individual business based, is more than adequate infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce, it is about focus, researching the geographic and available raw material strengths, matching industries and sectors to these strengths to create or expand opportunities, develop and attract individual business through incentives into an atmosphere full of confidence. The resulting sustainable economic activities will generate more corporation taxes and create more employment opportunities hence, more payroll taxes.

Living services directly address issues and strategies that affect the entire population. Reducing Crime levels by; recruiting, training and motivating a well supplied police service to prevent with a no tolerance approach and ground intelligence from community based policing and a high detection rate, strengthening the judiciary both with adequate courts and detention facilities and devoted personnel, refocusing an infrastructure strong prison system on rehabilitation and restitution. Creating and sustaining a safe and productive environment for the entire population.

Revising legislation to transparently deliver Utilities, Education and Healthcare, requiring capital for infrastructural improvements or expansion and budgeted allocations for recurrent expenditure, ongoing specialized training and updating equipment, all to provide and give effect to the essential policies and programs the executive chooses to implement. Such legislative changes must and should consider the serious views and opinions of persons elected to speak on behalf of a constituency and others appointed to serve all the people. Views and opinions, from lawmakers, that should not contain personal attacks or political threats.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.