Saturday, October 23, 2010

Defining Politics Clarification

Our most sincere apologies to all in the audience that have to exercise the mind, through the ranting of the document titled “Defining Politics”, some got it, others did not. These documents continue to be edited down to five hundred words, sometime removing large, complex and important sentences. The objective remains to reach and encourage a mass audience, of varying educational backgrounds, with an interest in understanding business and its surrounding issues. The publisher of these ideas has first rights, which means they edits and disseminates to all others, but the responsibility of the topics are solely ours.

In the article “Defining Politics”, a number of points were intended. Firstly, politics is a human condition, as we all try to influence others. Secondly, in all political systems the incumbent can sway election rules. Thirdly, the history of politics, in which many with the decision-makers ear; were killed to remove them from office. Fourthly, present politics has not evolved much, as individuals are hounded out of office. Fifthly, many good, honest and trustworthy people are excluded by the very nature of party politics. Sixthly, election dates drives executive decisions, especially in disbursing fund for local community repairs or improvements. Finally, election campaign financing, without limits, transparency and with fundraising groups to bypass any established laws, disenfranchise the independent (issue by issue) thinker. Hence, how can anyone believe that “Politics is about the distribution of power”?

The picture in the original article says it all. It is about a few wealthy men in a secret location plotting the next… The poor are focused on their next meal. The middle class are focused on keeping their jobs, getting their pensions and paying their loans, till their next pay day. The rich are focused on staying rich, which leaves the wealthy, with generations of resources to protect, free to buy any politician that wins, in creative and legal ways, such as, free holiday trips for the family, reduce mortgage interest, the promises of a high paying job after demitting office, sidestepping and obfuscating any integrity in public life laws.

Follow the money, not just the campaign financing, but the contracts awarded and the kick backs to the party disguised as donations, but even more important than that, take a more detail look at the legislative agenda to see who benefits from changes to the laws. A political party may reward it foot soldiers with jobs or small contracts, it strategists with a Government or state appointment but it financiers, change policies to make certain activities legal. What is illegal today may not be tomorrow, but what is immoral stays immoral. Politics is a necessary evil that is used to control the majority by making them think, they have power, it is also endemic in organized crime, which uses the same principles to enforce discipline and decision-making.

We must also thank all that responded to the original article, it is encouraging and shows that we are achieving the objective.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.