Sunday, January 19, 2020

Defining Success

Success is to make life better, judged by the wider society. Many nations elect politicians based on their track record on economic issues; Job Creation, business opportunities, Productivity measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Diversification across Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Therefore, the focus is on and across new Economic Drivers SYNERGIES to meet the nations’ highly needed Revenue Earnings projections. The historical risks, in such thinking, has always been, leaving people behind in a state of poverty, unemployment, increasing crime and eventually leading to insurrection. A new measure is slowly taking hold as nations seek to close the Wealth Gap. Success must and will soon be measured by A Happiness Index.

Success is not passing exams but learning the lessons. Many students, guided by parents and teachers, regurgitate answers to earn accreditation, without practically applying the lessons. e.g. English essays are written, to pass exams, but how many can be published as news or research, to earn a living. Learning carries an inherit value which employers are willing to pay for to sustain and build their organization. Such skills and developed talents are an individual’s product and should be used to establish a life-long reputation or brand. The goal therefore is not to pass exams and get a job, but to constantly learn and enhance ones Contribution and Career.

Success is not about having money but about earning returns. Many young and not financially educated persons seek and gain employment to pay their basic living expenses, but do not save or ask, after demonstrating the dedication and skills, for a raise in salary or wages to increase such savings. Such savings deposits, as small as it maybe, would provide a sense of comfort in times of emergencies. Lessons in financial literacy would guide such small savings into investment accounts earnings returns without any additional effort. And lead to larger physical investments which can generate more, without any extra personal work, Returns.

Success is not holding a job but contributing to expansion. Many highly educated adults become complacent in a job with a good salary, benefits and a pension, without tracking inflation and their future Cost of Living. Understanding, having lived in it, that basic grocery items will double or triple by the time of retirement and their health will decline, and medical bills will increase. Each employee must contribute to the expansion of their organization, if that organization is to survive and grow to pay future pensions. Alternatively, and essentially, the employee must have built within their working life, a diverse personal investment portfolio, consisting of numerous organizations that will survive to pay a pension.

This is what separates the haves and have Not. An individual, family, organization or nation will remain as a have Not, as their fight to pay bills as due, without a long-term plan. Such a professional long-term plan takes current factors and projects realistic development and expansion goals, to show the road to achievements. These achievement points must be set while, postponing non-essential spending. Spending on security, healthcare, and education, while monitoring income growth, both from salary increases and savings and investments returns as their match achievement points. e.g. The fast-food employee, appointed supervisor, then branch manager did what have to be done to become a franchise owner. But essentially, constantly, along the way, had to modify their own definition of Success.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.