Monday, September 17, 2018

Job Creation

As Economists theorize on eradicating poverty, many jobless go hungry. For it is Politicians, from the Executive Branch of Government, who make the policy decisions to implement all needed strategies toward full employment. Elected Politicians, the Cabinet which engages the public service to implement, monitor and report, on the effectiveness of their policies, which will offer a basic standard of living to the public. Healthcare, nourishing and protecting the population. Education, messaging and training the citizenry. Infrastructure, providing essentials for the people. Economic Drivers, must pay for that basic lifestyle, expand the economy to match and surpass the nation’s expenditure, and to supplement Core Revenue; Corporate Profits, Value-Added, Personal Taxes, etc.

Economists, highly trained, accomplished and published, undertaking in depth research, who must endeavor to raise living conditions across all levels of society, are thinking about Productivity. Basic Healthcare gives the economy a strong workforce, well-nourished to strengthen body and brain, and protected to reduce damage and harm, which is essential to productivity. Standard Education adds literacy across the population, crucial for communication and to advance higher learning, which is also essential to productivity. Rudimentary Infrastructure must improve efficiency to the workforce efforts, reducing time spend travelling and stress on the job, which is again essential to productivity. Designing Economic Drivers which will earn strong currencies, best use of natural resources and deployment of its skilled and experienced people.

The highly trained, talented, skilled and experienced Jobless is a serious danger to the peace and well-being of a society. A healthy population, with crushing joblessness, is as unproductive as a depraved Healthcare system, unable to test and treat, with its constantly increasing national expenditure. An educated public, with overwhelming unemployment, is also as unproductive as a deplorable Education system, which fails its students, with cumulative national expenditure. A nation with sound public works and high levels of unemployment is again as unproductive as inadequate Infrastructure, with yearly increases to its national expenditure. Skilled and experienced people, sitting idle, are also as unproductive as Economic Drivers targeting closed markets while, dependent on the national treasury.

The Cabinet, with reelection at the forefront of their minds, who are in charge of adopting policies and managing the treasury, must also focus on achievements. Healthcare policies are seen via a formula; cost of training and retaining workers, procurement of facilities and equipment and its electoral benefits. Education policies are implemented in much the same ways; training and retaining workers, building and maintaining facilities and its visible effects on the electorate. Infrastructure policy decisions; contracts awarded as a forerunner to a national election, plant and equipment operating cost and public pricing, and its electoral effects. Economic Drivers policies are designed and structured upon financial borrowings, fearful of half-finished facilities, abandoned, overgrown with weeds and its visible effects on the electorate.

Therefore, Economists must present their research and formulated strategies, to create jobs, in such a manner that would influence Politicians. SYNERGIES Fixes, which will improve lifestyles, within a national election term. Medium term steps with short term visibilities, which will point to long-term Sustainable Development. Easily recognizable Healthcare personnel conducting first aid classes and other medical examinations, in schools and community centers, as part of their formal training. Inter-school Education; academic, cultural and sport competitions, broadcasted nationwide, involving and coordinated by student teachers. Pod design Infrastructure modules, which are disaster compliant and easily interchangeable, to serve as Emergency and Educational Facilities, Community Centers and Police Stations. Hence, additional Economic Drivers; based on Infrastructure Pod construction, and all levels of Education and Healthcare personnel training, targeting export markets.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.