Monday, February 27, 2017

Diversification 2017

(An extract from Foreign Direct Investment 2017)

The people must trust their leaders; politicians, lawmakers and members of the executive or cabinet, and leaders must be worthy of such public trust, for progress to be achieved for all the nation's peoples. Unfortunately, the ideal circumstance, for all groups in a society to agree and act together, is at the very end of self determination, when desperation sets in! Prescriptions to cure an economy in recession, achieve sustainable development, and constantly improve standards of living for all the people, are bitter and require sacrifices from all society's groupings. While, preventing harsh adjustments require a fair distribution of wealth and the building of reserves.

An economy, heavily dependent on taxes and royalties income from petroleum based industries, at the mercy of international prices, which has suffered huge recent declines, closure of operations, job losses and the rippling effect on other commodities global prices, must strengthen its cash flow position to meet its current obligations; via reductions in estimated expenditure, withdrawals from existing savings and investments, and obviously, by means of new borrowings. While, diversifying and intensifying sources of income; via increases of expected taxation revenue, through the increase of productivity output, by examining all prudent competitive advantages within its moral and legal economic means and by assessing its feasibility to maintain revenue growth.

To reinforce its cash flow position which has and is forecasted to suffer from long-term declines in international prices; the nation’s leadership implemented changes to the Value Added Tax (VAT) regime to remove social benefit components, which have been spread throughout the population, rather than only targeted those who are in-need-of such social assistance, while, it reduced the VAT rate to soften inflationary impact. The leadership also increased the Business Levy and Environmental Tax charged on corporate sales. The nation’s leaders also prepared its people for an additional taxable charge on online shopping items imported via air freight, and for a new income tax bracket targeting the top individual and corporate earners in society.

The nation, in an effort to preserve and increase its foreign currency reserves and to manage its local currency exchange rate, made adjustments to its motor vehicle importation licensing regulations, with the effect to quicken the switch between vehicles using expensive and subsidized (gasoline) liquid fuels and cheaper more environmentally friendly (natural gas) gaseous fuels, at a time when international petroleum prices effectively decreased the nation’s fuel subsidy. A review of the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses (GATE), other subsidies and social programmes was undertaken, to better reach and serve the intended target segment of the population, who truly needs and deserves such public assistance, hence inviting changes, further reducing annual expenditure.

The nation redirected allocated estimate expenditure and incentivize private investment to modernize and expand local production and stimulate local consumption; within the housing sector to expand the nation's housing stock via home construction projects, and in the agriculture sector to increase the nation's local food stock, expand agribusiness and to reduce the nation’s food import bill, both with the aim of added benefits of job creation and its resulting increase individual income tax revenue.

The first ever withdrawal from the nation’s Heritage and Stabilization Fund, the country’s existing savings and investments, was found to be necessary by the leadership to fortify its cash flow and meet upcoming obligations towards debt servicing and recurrent expenditure.

New borrowings are projected for the foreseeable future to balance the nation’s annual financial budget, pending the increase of petroleum local production levels along with the recovery of international prices or substantial revenue gains resulting from other newly developed local sectors and industries. Note, the alternative is individuals and corporations tax increases.

A new High Income Tax bracket, equal to 30% of earning more than 1 million in local currency per year, has been implemented on both individuals and corporations. A new Patriot Tax, on citizens who benefited from GATE and other free local human development (educational and health) programmes and are presently employed aboard, is currently being designed. This patriotic tax, on individual that accessed human development benefits locally and chooses to work aboard, is proposed to be 1% of annual salary, payable in the same currency of the said salary. Also, work is still being done on a new property tax regime.

Several initiatives are proposed to boost the nation’s productivity through infrastructural development and improving efficiency, such as highway and sea port expansion that would reduce traffic jams and time spend in transit. The nation’s many profitable assets also stand ready to be listed on the stock exchange or auctioned to raise needed cash, before having to approach the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which would impose the same or more stringent conditions.

Identifying Feasible Competitive Advantages and realizing market share is the only avenue to achieve revenue diversification and release the nation’s profound dependency on petroleum products. The nation must aims to increase economic drivers and efforts to widen the range of products horizontally and vertically over the medium to long term. With long term projects, such as; natural gas pipeline networked to other neighbouring islands, with stable pricing strategies to earn foreign exchange, and augmented by renewable energy sources, hoisting wind and submerging tidal turbines along the line, which will meet climate change goals and reduce regional electricity bills.

The constant development, promotion and protection of the nation's brand as it relates to tourism, arts, music and culture, agriculture, manufacturing, human expertise, and marketable investments, with an strong emphasis on patented benefits to the nation, is key to such diversification efforts.


T.A.J& Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.