Wednesday, February 22, 2017

SEED Structuring

SEED, the Society for Entrepreneur and Economic Development, which has targeted grant funds of US$4,000,000 from international donor agencies to incubate 100 startups per annum, with success stories refunding the process, making resources available for other opportunities, was officially launched on Wednesday, June 1, 2011, to assist in structuring the necessary processes and plans to move ideas into industries.

Graduate as an Employer
Along with your very valuable Tertiary Education or Technical Vocational Training, you can graduate with the necessary tools to become an Independent employer.
Structure your Enterprise
Assisting in organizing and presenting your plans to access the essential incubation facilities and systems to justify and prove its profitability

Innovate Improvements
Supporting your pioneering ideas to get things done more efficiently or competitively, while legally protecting your interest.
Inventing new Products
Helping in creating new marketable Goods, Services, Processes or Techniques, by gaining access to scientific and market testing.

Structuring Ideas into Industry

Entrepreneurial Development requires access to resources, justified by a calculated rate of success and a deep appreciation of the subject matter, both of which are demonstrated within a thesis, a dissertation or a strategic plan. Access to scientific (controlled environment) testing facilities and others researchers’ results can be gained with Governmental assistance through its Ministry of Science, Technology & Tertiary Education (MSTTE) to move the idea closer to a marketable product. Marketing (uncontrolled environment) testing assistance can be access through the Government’s Ministry of Trade & Industry (MTI) with records on the competition and analysis of perceived advantages.

New Industry

Inventions of new processes or products are rare and very valuable. It is more common to find ideas combining processes or products, disguised as new. However, such ideas, utilizing easily assessable raw material or cheap inputs, which can prove viable in lucrative markets are welcome by the Government’s Ministry of Planning, Economic & Social Restructuring & Gender Affairs (MPESRGA) Economic Development Board (EDB) as it seeks to diversify the economy.


Most entrepreneurs develop ideas based upon an existing sector or industry, a more efficient process, a less expensive product, in other words, “Engineering a Solution” that can itself be a marketable product. The Government’s Ministry of Planning, Economic & Social Restructuring & Gender Affairs (MPESRGA) Council for Competitiveness and Innovation (CCI) assist such ideas with the necessary services to patent and promote, moving the idea into an implementation stage, and in some cases, expanding the sector or industry.


Many graduates from learning institutions will seek entry level jobs to enhance their working experience, earn promotions and pay increases, and be content as an employee. Through the exposure to Entrepreneurial Development, some graduates will seek to create jobs, by accessing seed capital or equity funding via the Government’s Ministry of Labour, Small & Micro Enterprise Development (MLSMED) Enterprise Development Division and/or loans or debt financing from the said ministry’s National Enterprises Development Corporation (NEDCO) agency.

Finding Specialize Support

Gaining access to agencies, involved in research, education, development and incubation, to assist an individual or group that has identified an idea, which meets the selection criteria. Such Ideas must have a clear competitive advantage and the ability to create jobs in the short to medium term, whether due to its technological or creative improvements or its geographic location, giving access to cheap raw materials and other inputs or to lucrative markets.
Ideas are firstly presented for initial acceptance and investment by the Idea Promoter, Researcher or Developer and strengthen into a strategic plan. Ideas are then incubated with Governmental links to research materials and equipment, for scientific and market testing. Ideas are monitored and measured and results stored as case-studies for future research. SEED International and its clubs provide that essential support network no matter the present size, stage or scale of the idea.
Join us and get the support and encouragement you need, listen to international success stories and public business lectures open to both members and non-members. Noting the most celebrated entrepreneurs are qualified persons, who found a problem to fix, innovated or invented and turned their solution, whether in the discipline of management, engineering or medicine, into a viable business model. To join one must have an idea and a burning desire to make it into an opportunity. Come face-to-face with Governments – who need to create jobs, Venture Capitalists – who need to develop new industries, Private Equity Managers – who need to generate returns on investment, Bankers – who need to book performing loans and most importantly, interact with People that have done it.
This compares to post graduate work, a master’s program guiding the production of a dissertation, which is your strategic plan. Heavily weighted on research to justify the idea, the essential calculus to prove viability and with many rehearsed presentations promote implementation.
The joint scientific and market research, based on existing widely accepted methodology inclusive of laboratory work and field testing, which evidentially proves the practicality and strength of the idea. This process, which is the foundation on which industrial opportunities and economic sectors grow, can take years or a lifetime to properly complete or at the very least, bring a product to market.
Calculating feasibility, which ultimately generates a five or ten year financial projection, to be included in a prospectus to attract investment funds, and in the business plan that raises loans and manages implementation. Decisions on, costing and pricing formulas to be employed, the purchase of fixed assets versus the leasing expense, the administration expense, the terms and conditions attach to borrowings, the taxation cost and the payment of dividends, are and must be addressed in these projections.
Presentation of an idea to be accepted into the program, quarterly showings of progress made to justify continuation of support, and of course, meeting with equity providers and financial institutions. Presentations form a key part of the process, from winning a financial scholarship to the eventual product launch; the entrepreneur needs to be able to communicate well.

Become a Member

Membership is open, to all judged to have a genuine interest in developing an idea, which can lead to increasing economic activity, industrial development and enterprise opportunities. Consisting of Idea Promoters, persons with a driving desire, Support Providers, entities offering tangible assistance, and Service Providers, organizations contributing intangible backing, together formed into a chartered SEED club. An Initial application fee is charged and Annual fees are payable to retain membership.
Benefits to society are best explain by recalling historical events, such as; the discovery of flammable materials, the expansion of matter, the control of explosions to move large rocks, the measurement of motion to the quantity of explosive matter, the internal combustion engine, the automobile, the assembly line, the robotic factory, the computer processor, the internet, all from the minds of the defined entrepreneurs. A small portion of society’s wealth is required as risk capital, expanding research and development into marketable products, to encourage vast improvements in living standards.
Finding solutions to today’s problems, identifying and opening more opportunities will, as the society develops and the economy grows, bring benefits to the people, in the form of a safer, healthier, more educated, environmentally concerned, productive nation that can focus on higher thinking. Meeting the basic needs of people is the role of Governments and the private sector will follow where Governments leads, hence finding new, innovative and feasible sources of income is the main requirement.
Benefits to the economy results from utilizing natural resources, combined with human resources, into a value channel, which expands both vertically and horizontally, to produce a wide range of products the wider world requires. Medical tourism, with recuperation and therapy programs, is one recent example of horizontal integration that merges different sections of an economy to reduce its health expense by boosting its tourism income, with all inputs previously in place only requiring the upgrades of hospitals. Another is the fabrication of construction bricks and walls manufactured from materials within a landfill.
This Model will co-ordinate all higher learning institutions, research & development, a library of strategic plans, physical and virtual incubators, grant funding from Government & International sources, to develop ideas into industries. The organization, comprising of the Governing Body and all its various committees, will constantly interview and register selected new members, adding as necessary extra education, encouraging and motivating in support groups, develop and guide registered members and their ideas into viable economic sectors and sustainable opportunities.

Contact SEED Clubs

Satellite organizations, consisting of twenty (20) or more bona-fide members, chartered under the Society’s international constitution and regulated by its elected Board of Directors; President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc., mainly offering support and mentorship to its members via regular meetings and programs. SEED International, having chartered many clubs, primarily engages in membership building activities through its core programs and calendar events.

Video Programs

The main communication tool of SEED International is commissioned to engender public respect for its members and their activities, and to offer an appreciation of the socioeconomic role its membership plays. Someone has to create those needed jobs and wage increases.

Guest Speakers

SEED host dynamic speakers, quarterly international and monthly local personalities, who have attained and are willing to share they unique experiences, they darkest days and they moments of glory.

Competition & Awards

A gala annual prize giving type ceremony at the fruition of a yearlong idea to industry based contest will offer financial incentives to implement the winners’ ideas.


Pairing experienced members to share with, guide and encourage other lesser experienced members, walking them through the process of developing an idea into an opportunity.

Private Counseling

One-on-One discussions with experienced advisers, specializing in Strategic Planning, Corporate Law, Finance, Accounting, Human Resource Management and Public Relations & Product Promoting, are constantly available to members.

Group Sessions

Monthly meetings are standard, to fine tune procedures and processes but mostly for the strengthening of members’ relationships and interactions.


A relatively short period of time use to implement the strategic plan, negotiate with suppliers and service providers, and establish a market presents.

Course Curriculum

Caribbean Business Institute & The Society is pleased to present, Business Direct, a series of business (as opposed to management) lectures to guide risk-takers or entrepreneurs, accessed online.