Sunday, September 1, 2019

Judging Society

The Productive Class main responsibility is its social intervention, and its moral responsibility. The mission, therefore, is to produce generations of healthy, educated, skilled, thoughtful and insightful adults. Contributing 30 – 60 years of life to prepare and better the opportunities available for their children, to care for their differently able, to temporary assist their unemployed neighbors and to provide comfortable living conditions for their elderly. Society’s discussions and decisions must address and prioritize its national vision to be implemented with A People first, entrepreneurial ideas, ecological, social and economic agenda.

Inter-dependency is what it is all about. Understanding and respecting each other’s roles and the effect one has on the other is key. Taking care of each other and understanding the effects personal actions have upon others in the group is the ultimate lesson. Social interventions are and will be desperately needed to reduce poverty and the levels of crime, which effect all. Moral lessons such as; one small act of littering can cause family homes to suffer flood damage, if taught at a young age can preserve A Happy Society.

For Society to properly function, it must see itself as a dependent group, people at the mercy of each other, from generation to generation. A Productive Class understanding and committed to protecting and teaching its children to join and replace them. The said Productive Class, understanding the commitment it has to those who provided guidance and resources to them before. Hence, children must be taught civics and the rules of society while the elderly must promote morality above selfishness, not placing Money before Morals.

Adults in society, healthy and educated and productive, are taxed (Taxes 101) throughout their working life, 30 – 60 years, to fund the national budget, which pays for such social services. Noting that these adults would have benefited from healthcare, education and social services cost as a child, from the prior generation’s tax contributions. And this same group of productive adults would benefit from, retirement or senior citizens grants, in the not too distant future. Taxing individuals to Pay As You Earn (PAYE), and taxes on consumption, sales, and other special purposes levies which are collected by or charged to Organizations, represents key sources of the National Revenue.

Hence, Moral Leadership is vital, to encourage better ideas, to best utilize the environment, to deliver help, to fund the national budget, and to manage Society’s Expectations. So, entrepreneurial ideas, finding better more efficient and effective ways, are required to improve living conditions and Human Lifestyles. Cleaning and maintaining the environment, reducing and reusing waste in the air, land and sea, is to preserve Public Health. Social services delivery, to children and all others in need, is essential to decrease poverty and crime and increase National Productivity. A national budget, looking back over its mistakes and projecting forward, is the society’s plans to better finance the People’s Vision.

A society is judged by the ways it treats its elderly, its differently able, its unemployed and its children.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.