Sunday, September 8, 2019

Stopping Mass Murders

A loner, never learning to get along. Would have never been involved in Sports and Games, which teaches and exposes players and participants to life’s basic lessons. It is the quiet ones, with deep unspoken thoughts subject to bullying and hate, silently plotting revenge, never having made or been a part of a team. A team, which is only as strong as its weakest player, will cause individuals to bond and learn that today’s opponent is tomorrow’s teammate. There will never be a magic solution. But through social interaction people can learn to simply respect each other and form a personal peaceful non-violent resolution.

Participants and Players all learn to get along via sporting interactions and understanding essential interchanging of human Generational Roles. The on-field leader is the person with the ball, quickly making decisions to select the next leader, in a position to advance and best able to score, and at the same time positioning oneself to be the next selected leader. So too in life, working aggressively, practicing hard and smart, arguing only to learn, learning to be a part of, and to lead a team, is to be part of, and lead society.

A quiet loner, as described after a negative act, can be encouraged and made into a chess master, a successful business owner or a widely respected political leader having participated in sports. A good coach would have and can teach players, with deep unspoken thoughts, how to disagree without argument or violence, and how to motivate and lead others. Training participants who are silently plotting a negative act to convert that effort into a strategic game, business or development plan. Bringing people, with difference of Thoughts, Opinions & Decisions, together using points of facts, and producing more than just wins but a very valuable team.

A team, consisting of one or many persons, encouraging the best of an individual, and focused on the same goals, objectives and mission. Each individual, supporting the others on and off the field, constantly learning and appreciating that building lifelong relationships is key. In other words, do not kill off your foes, for tomorrow you will have no friends, no one to play with or against. The joy is in the Game itself, in the process not in the result. The rewards range from individual peace of mind (A Happy Society) to global recognition.

Sport is not a magic solution. But maybe by building self-esteem, through giving chances to be the hero of many or a single encounter, will stop negative thoughts. Participants learning to respect each other’s abilities, skills and talents, not hating on opponent’s social and cultural differences, but liking their strengths. Strengthening positive thinking, learning to win and to lose, graciously, without ill feelings, celebrating each victory and lost, as a tool of personal improvement. Players, who focus all energy on the Games, finds Justice for All peace and happiness in a strategic game plan, from hours and years of hard practices to joyful big and small celebrations.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.