Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guiding a Nations Youth

Many among us wonder why crime has become so wide spread and brutal. Some say that it was always so, it is just being more widely reported due to the technology now available to journalists. Others say that the education system lacks discipline and has excluded and failed many. Yet others say that the police are not doing their work. The most widely accepted explanation is based on the financial rewards of illegal drugs and the trafficking of said drugs leading to turf wars and the need for guns to protect such turfs. Whatever the reasons, the solution is to build a strong morally based, highly educated and tolerant society.

Journalists and their media employers report within ethical and legal grounds what has happened, based on what they perceive to be news worthy, what the public needs to know and of course, for profit, but journalists reports are always after the fact. The education system, properly designed and operated, is to produce a highly skilled work force. The police protect, detect and charge supported by the prisons and the courts but can they really prevent crime, certainly not alone. It therefore falls to all of us, to support the people in the frontline of this challenge, the police and the teachers, to guide our youth.

Social workers assess and evaluate the needs of families living in poverty, guiding and registering them for some type of finance assistance, while the behavioral counselors seek to guide acceptable social interaction to stimulate learning conditions, both have seen alienation and humiliation drive people toward crime.

Referring to someone as dumb, slow or stupid can adversely affect that person’s self-esteem, in the same way, referring to someone as bright, quick or smart can be equally as damaging to others competing against them and cause them to withdraw or stop participating. Hence, many school drop-outs or students labeled as failures are driven away from the love of learning and into a life of crime. Where, what is meant is that in this instance the thinking process was wrong or right, the decision was long in coming or faster than normal and the action taken was inappropriate or suitable.

We all must speak accurately not to damage the very institutions that serve and protect us. When someone says “teachers miss too many classes” could they mean all teachers or one particular teacher, all classes or one particular class or even more important do they mean all teachers are missing all classes. When someone says “police are involved in crime” could they mean all police officers or one particular police officer, all crime or one particular crime or even more important do they mean all police officers are involved in all crime. Loose talk infiltrates the very fabric of society, slowly damaging the teaching service or the police service leading to mistrust and fear.

Society without motivated teachers or valiant police officers is a nation of people only interested in being paid, who will shoot first or protest first rather than write or debate to get things done.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.