Saturday, November 15, 2008

Information-based Planning

Planning, by countries or by sectors or by groups or by individuals, is the most essential activity that affects all aspects of life and has always been so. Countries must plan to improve the standard of living it offers its citizens. Sector planning delivers economic efficiency on goods and services internationally. Goal oriented Groups must constantly re-examine activities to produce the desired results. Individual planning is and always has been driven by decisions and actions taken by groups, by sectors, by countries. An independent statutory (established under law) well-funded well-staffed statistical organization, that compiles using tested methodologies and issues reports on a regular timely basis, is needed to drive strategic planning and decision-making.

Each and every country in the world engages in development planning through its Government. Whether it be for; Infrastructural improvement – the design and assessment of public (building, open-grounds and industry) spaces, utilities (electricity, communications and water), transportation (Air, Sea or Land) networks, Trade negotiations – the analysis of balance of trade benefits bilaterally (country to country) or as part of a trading block, Foreign Investment policies – the influence of foreign ownership on national decisions, Immigration concerns – the positive or negative effect of visitors on the resources of the country, Environmental Impact – the assessment of all other decisions on the populace and natural surroundings, all these decisions require accurate data that is prudently gathered and analyzed into useful information.

The need for quality sector planning is even more clear, as consumers and end-users seek value for money forcing the best economies of scale out of producers and suppliers. The Mining and Energy sectors’ prices are scrutinized every minute on international trading floors. The Agricultural sector worldwide has been pushed to supply cheaper food on the table. The entire Trade, Tourism and Transportation sectors are consolidating weeding out inefficiencies. Communication and Entertainment sectors have been merging for a long time now due to rapid advances in technology. Banking, Finance and Insurance has suffered the most due to a crisis of confidence. The skilled Professional (Teaching, Legal, Medical, Maintenance and Security staff) Services sector is seen by many economists as recession proof and consequently is in high demand. Hence, data on any of these sectors can guide a predetermined result.

Groups, whose objectives are not for profit but driven by other measurable factors, plans require even more complex data to achieve their stated mission. For example; to reduce crime the Police must constantly and from any location have access to multiple (birth and death, property and vehicle) registration systems, to reduce illness Medical staff must have access to a national health database, and to reduce poverty Social workers must have access to an unemployment registration database to review cases. All needing data collected from source entry points and processed through many filters to provide the crucial information that will be used to make decisions, take actions and generate results.

Planning on an individual level about financial decisions, career paths or safety concerns has and will always be based on information received by the individual from family and friends, skilled professionals and trusted news and research sources. This Information has always be compiled based on sources who depend on accurate data, hence when you take action, you believe that the underlying data is true and up-to-date.

Faulty data guarantees failure.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.