Monday, November 28, 2016

Budgeting Priorities

In very few words and speaking to all investors that create jobs, the objective is to join and support the growing chorus of calls for the public presentation of a society's financial budget to be made, at the very least, three months before any new fiscal measures are introduced, due to go into effect or to be implemented. A time for the population to mentally adjust to changes to the norm; prepare for shared sacrifice or relief, responding to basic living conditions, the effects on the minimum wage and future individual and family plans. A time for public sector officers and others to make the necessary internal alteration to adjust for and maintain smooth operations and also, a period for the investment climate to examine and review projections, and to rethink and to react.

The budgetary objectives are clearly to bring revenue in line with expenditure or vise versa, balancing the budget, while improving living standards across the population, hence, an analysis of year on year changes can be very inadequate. The new budget effects are better understood by focusing on mission clusters with specific priorities, which can be identified by the size of financial allocations, but this takes time.

Such Mission Clusters or Groupings are identified by revenue and expenditure: Revenue clusters consist of Tax and Non-Tax Income; inclusive of income from lending activities, Capital Receipts; realized from divesting state assets, and Deficit Financing; funds coming in from borrowings and withdrawals from the society’s savings. Expenditure groups are focused and places priority on Governance; housing public officers, Fiscal Policy; the infrastructure development fund, Resource Preservation; the police service remuneration and supplies, Human Development; poverty reduction via food cards, Infrastructure Management; water works, and Economic Drivers; fuel subsidy.

Tax and Non-tax Income 72.59%
Under the direct control of the elected executive or cabinet, these charges on all economic activities; sales and consumption, purchases, import and export, salaries and wages, energy and transportation, tourist arrivals, property services and, of course, profits, are to fund the society's needs and wants. Certainly, global supply or demand issues are not, in any sense, under local control, and definitely not international prices, which can erode entire sectors' and industries' profitability, causing operation closures, job layoffs and depleting tax and non-tax collections to such a state that, higher rates, must be considered on any remaining or surviving activities. The executive has estimated 72.59% of its total projected revenue, for this fiscal period, to come from such tax and non-tax collections, which requires expanded productivity, job creation, profitable companies and motivated investors.

Capital Receipts 16.67%
The plan calls for the realization of 16.67% of total estimated revenue, for this fiscal year, to come in from gains on financial assets. Skillfully and strategically divesting; all of, the majority share in or minority portions in, presently held state assets to others that can enhance operations and/or market access, to earn additional one time revenues from share pricing, without giving up ultimate control, is very much about strengthening regulatory oversight into the particular industry.

Deficit Financing 10.74%
In the case where total revenue does not reach the required level of projected expenditure, deficit financing must be found; hence, in this fiscal period 10.74% is estimated to be needed to enhance expected revenue. Using various financial instruments to borrow, from international or domestic sources in local or foreign currencies, for the general operation of the society is to fund shortfalls in revenue generation, not to expand existing expenditure. The necessary borrowings, via Government backed bonds, must be able to increase future revenue more than it will expand debt servicing expenditure. Building new or expanding sectors and industries is traditionally expected to be funded by facilitatory concessions to investors or from withdrawals of previous savings.

Governance 4.39%
Moral leadership, daily supervision, making new and strengthening existing laws, regulations and rules, implementation and reporting, checks and balances, all this is about prioritizing, focusing resources on needs and wants before nice to have, while preserving a principled reputation. Flowing from a highly confidential strategic plan, with a five to ten year outlook, consisting of numerous timely extracts, the financial budget is highly dynamic with short and medium term events causing adjustments. In this fiscal year, 4.39% of the total estimated budget is assigned to such governance activities, with 21.34% of that being spent in the management of adequately and safely housing public officers.

Fiscal Policy 28.2%
Triggered by traditional revenue sources, increase or decrease, the budgeting division in the finance ministry must constantly eye cash flows, debt servicing and pensions, and along with the central bank, which is in charge of monetary policies; currency values and commercial interest rates, must estimate and manage expenditure going forward and honoring previously made obligations. The public debt situation forces 28.2% of this fiscal period total expenditure into debt servicing and managing the society’s fiscal policy, while 16.48% of this total is moved into the Infrastructure Development Fund to facilitate unplanned or future modernizing works.

Resource Preservation 13.05%
Circumventing social disquiet, providing emergency responses, protecting property and borders, rehabilitating prisoners, instilling discipline and respect for laws, enforcing rules and regulations, preventing and detecting crime are vital needs of the society. Such resource preservation activities have been allocated 13.05% of the society's expenditure in this fiscal year, with 39.22% going directly to the police service remuneration and supplies.

Human Development 28.9%
The society looks to its leaders in matters of health, education, social benefits, community development and sports, with 28.9% of the expenditure budget allocated in this current fiscal year, to human development. The goals are to have a healthy population; promote wellness, prevent epidemics, reduce chronic disease, provide emergency, surgery and recovery services. The population is also provided with basic education opportunities for life. A greater emphasis is placed on social services with 27.31% of the total human development budget geared to poverty reduction, via; food cards. Programs are also designed and executed for cultural, art and sport development focused within communities.

Infrastructure Management 19.97%
The maintenance, analysis, design and building of existing and new structures and the operation of public utilities, works and transportation, all fall under this grouping. Producing water fit for human consumption, generating and distributing electricity, maintaining bridges and roadways are wants that have become essential and demanded by the population. Most other structures and public spaces are further identified as housing, urban and rural development and are maintained, renovated, refurbished and constructed, overseen by local Government with a keen eye on the surroundings. This fiscal year estimates have allocated 19.97% of the budgeted expenditure to such infrastructure management activities with 15.02% of that assigned to water works.

Economic Drivers 5.48%
The investment climate is ruled by such industries and sectors that operate with a global competitive advantage. An allocation of 5.48% of total expenditure has been assigned in this fiscal period to grow such sectors and industries, while 25.87% of that focuses on a social benefit; fuel subsidy. The Agribusiness sector, born of a need to feed its local population and offer some level of domestic food security, must mature to produce specialty Goods and Services and offer these internationally. The home construction sector must attempt to fill local demands, fostering experience and expertise closely monitored by planning engineers, such services can, then, be sold around the world. Other drivers must be incubated to carve out its own global niche based on access to raw materials, energy, skills, talents and technology, finding support from labour unions and trade experts and facilitated in its promotions by foreign affairs missions.

Five to ten year budget projections, with very conservative revenue growth forecast, indicates numerous years of continuing deficit financing to maintain the society's, hard to give up, present lifestyle. It clearly must be stated that, it is the Executive branch of Government, through such budgetary allocations, that must firstly signals its interest globally to expand and/or diversify the economy; establish new sectors and industries. Publishing a prospectus specifically to inform the population of revenue generating measures; increasing productive capacities or incubating new ideas, selecting proven operations for scaling up and promoting such activities to attract investment, which would, in turn, create jobs, grow the tax collection base and avoid the all foreseeable debt trap.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.