Laws must be enacted with purpose and reviewed periodically
to close loopholes, to stop those of us with the set intention, and many of us just
plain happy, to break the law. Evil lives in us all, evident on the roads
daily, as persons set out late, forming the intent to drive above the speed
limit and through traffic lights on amber, with no regard for others, even if
they cause accidents, especially and as long as they are not involved. Bad are
the people who see wrong doings and follow, simply because someone else got
away with it, and those of us who choose to do nothing about it; no cell phone
video or just waiting on authorities to act, are also contributing and waiting
for this wrong to have an effect on them, individually.
Laws must be upheld equally across the society, one set of
laws for us all; the so-called Haves and Have-nots. Evil is the person, who
purchases food pass it expiry date, with professional advice and repackages it
for sale to the public without any notification, in breach of the spirit of
consumer rights and protection laws, and when accused mounts a defense based on
fresh vs. frozen, and gets away with it; no fine or jail time. Bad is the sole
proprietor, with a neighborhood outlet, who cooks the old frozen food, killing
any disease and cleared by health inspectors for animal feed, but still does
not inform customers, what they are buying, all in the pursuit of short-term
Law enforcement officers are the first line in defense
against crime and funding such security needs is done through national tax
collection. Evil is the professional who uses weakness in the taxation laws to
help clients avoid paying their right amount of tax, resulting in an under paid
and underfunded police, army and prison services, demoralized, over worked and
slow to respond in an emergency. Yes, Tax avoidance is legal and tax evasion is
a crime. Bad is the failed entrepreneur who owes back taxes from many years
ago, adjudged and penalized, but unable to clear the debt, and will be accumulating
fines annually because of being unable to firstly, pay professional fees.
We, the people must recognize how difficult it is to be good
surrounded by so much Evil. Evil is seductive and will easily turn good into
Bad. Hence, the few of us who follow the rules of the road, who forgo greed and
who do not cheat on taxes, are what is left of good, law-abiding people, and must
act to support and strengthen Good, by speaking of it and shaming when it is
not. Evil occurs when people, without morals, set out to create an unfair
advantage. Bad acts occur when people put aside ethical concerns to benefit
from an evil advantage. But none of us are truly, totally good, bad or evil; we
however, choose one as situations arise.
T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.