Sunday, March 1, 2020

Future Development

Best is a moving target. Whether addressing team building or the essential #SYNERGIES; #Security, #Health, #Education, #Infrastructure #EconomicDrivers, which powers life, but Better is good enough for process and progress. The earnings, from productive and profitable, efficient and effective Sectors and Industries, from Economic Drivers must be essential to fund all other expenditure. The facilities, shelter (living, working and relaxing spaces), communication and transportation, must be suited to sustain and grow productivity. The people, from birth to death, at their basic learning time, at their productive period and at their reflective stages of life, must be protected, fit and knowledgeable. All together to achieve Future Development.

Better Economic Drivers, as multiple sectors and industries sharing synergies, are built and grown within a geopolitical zone and offers living facilities to its employees and their families with all living amenities incorporated. Extractive industries and Agriculture processing, Light Manufacturing and Assembly plants, Port, Tourism and Trade operations to import needed import components and export finish products, Professional, Financial and other Service-Based operations, each feeding off of each other and quickly able to embrace change to accommodate new Business Models. Such community living would have to be based upon a renovation mindset and three to four independent primary Sectors and Industries generating equal net revenues to be seen as Sustainable Development.

Better Infrastructure, as protection against natural and man-made disasters, are built and maintained within an economic zone and offers living facilities to its employees and their families with all living amenities incorporated. Architectural and Engineering eco-designs, Schedule Maintenance to retain a healthy environment, to open during good weather, to move to safety and to seal off completely during dangerous weather conditions, all with the intention to preserve and grow profitable Business Models and improve lifestyles. Again, such communal living would have to be based upon a renovation mindset and structures, large and small, to allow for the continuation of productive, safe living accommodation and entertainment.

Better Security, Health, Education, as needed to protect and preserve property and human productivity, are required and vital within all eco-socioeconomic zones and offers services, via highly trained and competent personnel, to safeguard Human Life and to better standards of living. Defense points, Treatment resources, Development Institutions, via face-to-face or electronic contacts, all in close collaboration, to quickly react and respond to negative change at any stage in Human Development. Reemphasizing, such collective living would have to be based upon a renovation mindset, while focusing on data, food and facility protection, mental and physical wellness and learning from truly dynamic curricula.

Future Developments will demand bringing it all together. Hence, requiring Synergies, which will mix and interlock all the populist needs, wants and solutions, in the best ways. Research and Development is continuously making smaller, more effective and efficient devices; tools, machines and equipment, to better serve mankind and improve many lifestyles. Ultimately, community living, surrounded by productive Economic Drivers, minimal Infrastructure and Strong people in pursuit of knowledge and happiness, will win out over large cities. The traditional mindset would have to undergo constructive renovations, a very slow but essential process, to get people to constantly adjust to and avoid dangers, by accepting better methods; smaller, quicker, cheaper.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.