Sunday, February 23, 2020

Better vs. Best

I write because everybody wants to teach or give unsolicited advice. Advice and opinions on every topic under the sun, before knowing the abilities and capabilities of their audience. Assuming that, only they have answers and solutions and that, you should listen without interruptions. A highly skilled and experienced aircraft pilot must sit quietly as a highly enthusiastic hobbyist explains the cause of a recent plane crash. The discussion may progress much better if questions are asked about the listener and in turn, interchange talking and listening. Much better, if decency and respect are employed and all parties engage in learning rather than teaching.

This is not about vision, everybody can form an opinion, very few people have vision. A visionary would listen and learn, study and research in depth from multiple sources and commit the resulting thoughts to published writings, for correction and criticism from other experts in that field, on that particular topic. Such a professional would, hence, move a topic from historical lessons to current circumstance and on to a possible better future. Visionary or Dreamer, persons labelled ahead of their time, ridiculed and dismissed, with Success as the very thin line between being hailed as a Genius or a Mad person, could contribute well-structured Ideas.

It is not about an idea or a mission, ideas are as popular as opinions, but would always remain useless without a mission. Planning and Implementing well thought-out, research and tested, policies and programs with recognizable and widely accepted measures and result oriented actions, tasks, is the mission assigned and undertaken by executives. Such executives, selected or elected, must bring better performance to the event. Here is a plan to achieve a measured outcome, moving from where we are to where we want to be in time. This requires healthy, educated and motivated people, bound and formed into a Team.

It is not team building or skill enhancement, team succeed when opinions mesh, focused on the common mission. The strategic plan must constantly review and detail all the skills and talents necessary to execute the mission. Finding Employment Seeking – Creating Jobs and employing such talented persons, does not implement actions or tasks, it is an essential first step but building a team requires much, much more. Motivation is a stage of life, a bigger pay package, flamboyant entitlements, a prestigious job title or the boss’s job will not achieve that measured success. People truly seek the intangibles in life, once this is received, they no longer work, they are happy.

It is all about Discuss, Decide and Do, making life better for most people. Intelligent Discourse, between learned persons with researched opinions, constantly strengthening the Idea. Data Driven Decisions, which constantly reflects upon process. And Efficient Implementation, which effects desired results. None which can take place in a vacuum, hence, the dynamic strategic plan, open to all affected and involved to participate and add improvements, understanding and transparency. Clarity at every stage within the same agenda, the documented Mission. Sharing activity reports, across every platform to all stakeholders and the entire population, is the BEST way to invite BETTER.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.