Sunday, February 9, 2020

Entrepreneurial Support

Entrepreneurial Ideas will grow the economy, create opportunities and increase jobs. Hence, pointing out growth sectors and industries, with unique competitive advantages, for the nation’s targeted focus development, shows the need for Nation Building EDUCATION. This Economic Expansion can only be driven by persons encouraged and respected, with lessons to produce and strengthen a feasible Strategic Plan. A strategic plan, from which a Prospectus to Equity Investors and a Business Plan to Debt Lenders, can be extracted. It is such a dynamic detail strategic plan which pushes the entrepreneur to achieve the mission day in and day out towards the successful attainment of their vision.

This dynamic detail strategic plan must be constantly analyzed to adjust its level of progress and to judge, its developments at predetermined stages, to be continued or abandoned. Therefore, the Business Model which is  Constantly Transformed will be monitored and reported on its viability going forward, guiding prudent strategic actions, based on other Entrepreneurial Ideas, Industry Innovation, Operation & Maintenance backed by Initial Contributions or New Investments. Preservation and Growth Discussions and Decisions to Continue, Transform, Preserve or Abandon the Business Model is judged by the Free Cash Flow, which is projected to be generated, in the short to medium term.

The Strategic Plan must give comfort to all types of investors. Persons investing time, talents and cash, having intrinsic interest, in the venture’s progress. The original idea, the research and development, which strengthens the venture are carried out by investors of time. Further academic study and vocational and practical know-how are done by investors of talents. And along these paths, initial cash contributions are invested to bring the strategic plan to a stage of readiness. Ready to be promoted to the cash, Equity investors and Debt lenders, willing and able to fund the venture’s capital requirements to its optimum and most efficient size.

In between this process, as the idea takes form, the people, that will suffer the most, are people emotionally attached to the Entrepreneur, without access to the plan, without interest in reading the plan and without foreseeing of clear benefits to the project’s progress. Such Persons are supporting the idea by giving comfort, in cash or kind, to the venture’s founders via a sounding board or living expenses. Persons not trained or experienced as a mentor, in most cases, blindly encouraging and motivating the entrepreneur without any commitment to share in an uncertain future achievement but are assured to be involved in future failures.

Family and Friends are the ones at greatest risks. The entrepreneur must be exposed to Mentoring and Parenting to understand the responsibility they have to their investors. This Idea Promoter must share and force to be shared, in common language, the dynamic full detail strategic plan, with its risks profile, implementation timelines and stage measurements, with all, time and talent investors. While, only extracts are shared with cash investors, the full thinking needs to be understood by Support Providers. Persons, who provide the entrepreneur with the essential, non-idea, support, are of more value to achieving success than all other crucial inputs.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.