Sunday, March 8, 2020

Data vs. Land

The investment value of Land is currently being replaced by Data Investments. Lands, the subject of many wars out of world history books is losing its glitter, forth over by Monarchs and Religious leaders, for its surface farming and mining values. Such wars and other criminal activities created a lot of affluent, wealthy, rich people and having been passed on legally, via inheritance, generated prosperous family estates. Data is on a very similar track, raw data gathered and stored is being targeted and forth over by many, so call ‘Black Hackers’. Such Cyber Crimes, unabated, will produce some wealth on the same scale as past Land grabbers, but the future gains and prosperity will come from very legal Data Analysis Monetization.

Land was not always historically surveyed, mapped, valued, documented and used as financial security, collateral against mortgages and loans, etc. but was claimed by force. The strong and vicious controlled any lands they could capture, keep and defend. Most held in the name of royalty with taxes charged for its commercial usage. Use of the land surface for planting crops or raring animals, for the human’s food supply, caused many plains to have been soaked in blood for its value. Drilling rights, contracts enforced by laws and adjudicated in courts, to extract precious materials saw the educated advantaging the uninformed and claiming all surface and subsurface values.

Landowners became the wealthiest persons in the world. Professional bodies certify lands ownership and valuations allowing mortgages and loans, and conveyances of real assets. Tangible Assets with easily manipulated values could then be used to invest in other lucrative ventures, further growing wealth without selling the Lands. Inheritance of Lands, with its growing importance and very little further investment, would see its value increasing as population density grew within the said geography. Family estates, made up of mostly lands, could sit back and collect royalties for an operator’s use, lease or rental income throughout their and their offspring’s’ lives.

Data-Owners so too will become wealthy. Not by the theft of Personal Identification Information but from the legal acquisition and sale of competitive Intelligence. Profile data points on voters are being used in politics. Stolen strategic plans for profitable economic drivers i.e. Oil and Gas processing networks, fintech and banking operations are currently offered for sale to the highest bidder. Design plans of infrastructure, key education papers, health biotech secret formulas and of course, security hacking apps, themselves, are also up for sale. Put simply, it is easy to imagine the disruption which can be caused and the wealth that is and will be created, if protected laws are not passed and enforced.

Data will gain greater economic recognition and value, through detail, drilled down, analysis, as Data Driven Decisions are more widely employed, in management, investment, policies and programs internationally. Drilling down into the Data requires specialty tools and procedures to mine and refine intelligence, which is the finish product sold to such key decision makers. Owners of the intelligence, Dynamic Knowledge or Insight, will get rich selling reports, after paying Developers for their tools and procedures. But it is the owners of the Source Raw Trusted Data, mostly collected freely by inviting users to seamlessly and legally participate or just pass through their Information Portal, that can and will sit back and enjoy generational wealth.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.