Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Few Good Men

Not speaking up makes you complicit. Do you agree or disagree; silence is generally accepted as consent, so you must have and express an opinion. Strong opinions for or against must be sold to influential persons and communicated to a wider audience. Documenting your ideas or criticisms with supporting facts, offers a professional legitimacy and builds a record of respect, which is important to access policy and law makers. How do your suggestions affect the many as opposed to the few? That is all it really takes, a few good people of independent thought to prioritize and implement, with clear benefits for the majority.

Expressing an opinion cannot be enough. Winning support for your opinion is the first step. Not by a general audio express of hate for a political party or any individual, but by constructive criticisms of policies, programs and projects.

Planning action to further widen support requires targeting persons who already have influence and can help reach a wider audience. People elected or appointed to deal with matters related to your issue and that can make or influence a decision. People, that can call a group or constituency together and a media conference to highlight the issue to the public.

Partitioning protocols demand written communications to local or national representatives depending on the scope of the issue. Speaking to your representative is never enough, other agencies maybe deeply involved in the issue. Hence, a document trail to all parties addressing your concern is the best way to get a meeting with and a chance to be heard by the relevant decision-maker.

Changing a proposal requires open negotiations focused on a fault and its solution, rather than personalities or the quest for power. Granted, an audience with people of influence is a privilege and as such, should be respected with a set agenda that all parties having agreed on and egos left at the door. One problem can easily mushroom into larger issues separating parties even further, stay focus on the core issue for which you have a suggested solution. Allow others the credit of your solution, it more that likely will not be implemented otherwise, while you relish in its acceptance and have a verifiable document trail of its origin.

Priorities are set by those in power. Disagreeing with the presently set priorities is a quest for power, requiring you to seek a mandate from the people. Prepare a manifesto, pick a team and face the polls. If successful, set and implement the policies, programs and projects as outlined in your manifesto, with transparency and integrity endemic in the process and most crucially, read ideas and criticisms. If unsuccessful at the polls, write ideas or criticisms to influence the policies, programs and projects of those in power. Doing nothing is doing the wrong thing.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.