Sunday, October 6, 2019

Associations Achievements

Unity brings strength and forges a purpose. No man is an island. A Society benefits from good Governance, a common vision, measured missions, detailed plans, processes, procedures, a balance budget, and the strengthening of dynamic strategic plans from its continuous review and correction of mistakes. As politics of hate, broken and warring parties, lets many in society down, other forms of unity, mostly build on single or interlocking issues, will raise to accomplish success and constantly improve living conditions. Hence, persons who have accomplished some level of success are now in a position to guide others and build on that success to benefit all.

Communities depend heavily on Local Government Services. Such as Infrastructure; water, electricity roads transportation to and from housing, resiliently built and maintained. Basic living services delivered to residents’ front doors, which can easily be measured. Garbage collection, sanitation and environmental protection are key to all within the caption area and must be treated with the utmost of importance. Measured by programmed matrix numbers of persons served, and cost to benefit analysis, politics must be therefore, put aside to achieve the desired results. Skilled and talented persons, preferentially living and working in the community, must consequently, be the ones setting the agenda.

Strong representation is essential, by all in the community to point out projects, measure recurrent activities and place on the agenda issues that affect living standards. Issues which, spans across the politics of the day; security, health and education, must be brought to the Local Government body to be discussed, planned, prioritized, funded and executed. Community Policing and Patrols backed by neighborhood watch groups can tighten, strengthen and offer such security. Community Centre Clinics supported by emergency rooms facilities and treatment services can offer a higher standard of wellness and healthcare. And Technology, locally maintained will bring all levels of education to the community, from early childhood to college, encouraging Lifelong Learning.

Also, as individuals need commercial activities within their reach; market vending, grocery, hardware, food outlets, clothing, furniture and appliances stores, entertainment centers, etc., it is clear and stands out that such jobs and opportunities strengthens the community. A Business Association, a powerful bargaining unit; uniting stakeholders inclusive of suppliers, and consumers, is very crucial for community development. Hence, any issue that tends to hinder the proper flow of commercial activities must be quickly added to the Local Government agenda, and solutions found and implemented. Achieving better living standards, creating new jobs and opportunities, is dealt with by listening to such powerful and helpful types of issues from single focused associations.

It is the duty of the Local Government body to better living standards, deliver key ecological services and attract investment into its jurisdiction. It is, however, Single Issue Community Groups which focuses the agenda to strategic plans and funding. For example, sporting leagues must plan and structure programs and apply to Local Government for the use of grounds and facilities to raise funding, engage and train youth in proper and better usage of their time. Such groups traditionally turn to commercial operators to fund and sponsor their community programs. With Local Government focusing on the ease of doing business, the local Business Association, working through and alongside, will bring its voices to the development programs. Its expertise to reduce deficits, budgeting and securing reserve currency to benefit communities.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.