Sunday, October 27, 2019


Shelter is to offer people protection against nature’s destructive elements; fires and floods. With climate change now here; the hottest days, the highest level of rainfall, building structures to shelter people, with all conveniences, must now be mobile. The housing estate neighborhoods, with foundation structures, are extremely vulnerable, on high ground to bush fires and in low lying areas to floods. Insurance premiums are on the rise and long-term financing is very difficult to secure. Mobile Homes, built upon a vehicle trailer chassis, present the best solution. Financed with a car type loan, insured similarly, parked next to the existing foundation house and moved to rented lands as required for safety.

Out of control bushfires and floods from storm’s surges and excessive rainfall over a short time, kills and destroys homes, in greater numbers each year. Weather patterns are growing more and more intense and island nations’ populations must find and employ solutions to preserve and protect life and property. Mobile shelters would provide such solutions. Similar to the movement from fixed line telephones to the mobile cellphone, homes built upon a fixed foundation are going to be replace over time, with mobile homes, offering the same classiness and egotistical emotion that people want and yearn for in their very own home.

The existing fixed foundation housing model, which provided strong shelter in the past, is in danger of losing its strength. Fires in forested areas destroys the vegetation and its roots, which loosen soil layers causing landslides, moving the house as well. Flood after flood eats away at the underlying ground; loosening soil layers and even softening bedrock. This steel and concrete foundation may sink or crack damaging the vertical structure to a stage of unsuitable for human dwelling. Therefore, it is only wise to position the home on lower ground away from fires and move to higher ground to avoid floods.

Financing a foundation home requires legal permission to the located lands, a vested interest in the structure and insurance, which would repay the outstanding debt; mortgage or loan, if the structure is damaged beyond repair. Lands are legally owned by Governments or private entities and can be sold or leased for various purposes; industrial, commercial, agricultural or residential. Financial institutions would require the owner to hold a minimum equity stake in the property; the lands or structure, to lend and hold the property as debt security. This debt security is truly the insurance policy, for which the property owner pays an annual premium.

Solving a nations’ housing crisis, Governments are inviting landowners to join in preparing their lands infrastructure to accommodate such mobile homes. Financial institutions see these chassis structures as vehicles and are now prepared to lend toward the purchase of this mobile home, backed by the ability to obtain an insurance policy from a reputable issuer. Pre-Approved Engineering Designed and built out of resilient materials to minimize maintenance; painted to repel termites and to increase flame resistance, and to be water sealed when closed. Interior self-contained electricity supply will power air-conditioning, television and kitchen appliances, with water storage, heater and plumbing bathroom connections. Easily expanded by parking two or three units next to each other. First time homeowners may not be interested in foundation housing, choosing to live in this new type of family home.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.