Thursday, October 10, 2019

National Budget

Many suggestions were mentioned in the Oct 7, 2019 Budget Speech. The inclusion of multi-year forecasting was mentioned. The assignment of lands to construction contractors to build low cost housing was included. But the public has long recognized that many subjects mentioned and included in Budget Presentations can be long-term objectives, dependent on resources or just Political Promises. Giving an opinion the day after this Budget is fruitless, unprofessional and mostly seen as political bating. The first assessment of the figures, laid in parliament and not yet approved, must be to verify the actuals that new estimates are anchored too. Hence, A multi-year Review of the Economy is essential.

The best source of such historical figures is the Auditor General reports of Treasury Statements and supporting documents. Additionally, updates from a Statistical Office of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which measures national productivity, will be useful to compare Economic Indicators. The last Revised Estimates are also very useful. Inputting the current estimated figures in a predesigned spreadsheet would best identify typos, miscalculations, large variances and new allocations, as the software is programmed to highlight. All within the following three days, to list projects and policies, under expenditure headings, that would receive new, additional or be denied funding, and this should be done before the Opposition Leadership replies to the Budget.

The Opposition response is very predictable. The population as be hearing the same promises for as long as the executive have been in power and nothing has changed. The Budget is designed to benefit their political friends and the elite, with very transparent offers made to the rest of us to win votes. Noting that many in the national parliament, on all sides, are not poor or can even be considered middleclass. The Budget in previous years have, in fact, been a ray of hope to the public, listing the Government Priorities, problems of crime, jobs and opportunities to improve standards of living.

Over the next week, Ministers contributions, in both parliamentary chambers, may be more useful as to intended projects and policies and should be listed for cross-reference as to funding and timing. As each, from the executive branch, review and list accomplishments, followed by selected opposition speakers, questioning the truthfulness of the previous presentation and suggesting better ways and means. Party Politics at its best or worse, depending on each individual’s opinion. The majority of the population is turned off, as there are not pointed to anything to affect them, their family or their income, personally. Hence, an uninterested, uninformed public.

In the following week, the speaker convenes the finance committee and hopefully the politics will end, as a detailed examination is carried out on the budget estimates figures to fund programs, policies and projects for this current fiscal year. With media houses searching desperately for the spectacular, headline grabbing news, the committee systematically goes through the budget headers and approves the allocations. At the end of this three-week process, the parliamentary public gallery is empty, the reporters have moved on and the various associations agendas are reset, but I am now ready to discuss A Conservative Ten (10) Year National Budget.

The key roles of An Independent Office Of Budgets (OOB) is to inform the Public on the effects of Proposals & Decisions, to track Sectors & Industries Advances and to predict Economic Growth and Declines.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.