Sunday, October 20, 2019

Agriculture ‘An Economic Driver’

Water preservation is the key to the agriculture industry success. Put simply, without sufficient or with too much, no growth is inevitable. Water quality also plays a big role. Stored water, over time, deposits chemicals at the container bottom, resulting in over treated water. Flood waters moves chemicals from the surface into the sea, leaving mal-nourish soil. Climate change brings long hot days of scorching temperatures and days of heavy rainfall and floods, both to destroy animals and crops; the food supply. The science calls for treated, constantly circulating water, reaching plants’ roots and in reach of animal bodies.

Led by Governments with investments in training models, judged by universities and colleges, to be viable in particular environments and ecologies; sample techniques in aquaculture, hydroponics, aeroponics, horticulture, vertical farming and digital communication from primary producers to processors, fresh markets, groceries, restaurants, and direct to consumers. Such institutional agriculture training is to, firstly fine tune processes, methods best suited for the targeted geography. Secondly, motivate student into workers, managers and, ultimately into owners. But actually, to research, develop and keep pace with the most efficient and effective technology and techniques, which can produce the highest yield for the lowest cost.

Lands and structures assigned by Government leases, which can be used to obtain and secure operational financing via industry related development banks, offering soft loans. State agricultural lands leased to trained and active producers, where one acre can, with new vertical farming technology yield, the same as ten acres would have, using traditional farming methods. Structures, such as green houses and other environment control apparatus, should be offered with tax incentives and no import duties. Cameras, fixed and drone mounted, video recording equipment to deter and detect larceny which is a huge deterrent to operational and financial success.

Identified Prestige Agriculture products patented and protected by Governments with purchase contracts, shipping arrangements, promoted through numerous international trade missions and sampled in the nations’ many foreign affairs missions. These exports, only available locally can soon become the nation’s chief earner of foreign currency, not subject to volatile international price fluctuations, as prices are locally control while demands are maintained via a competitive and creative global appetite. Bread, Cultivated, Processed and Prepared with the nation’s unique style, Packaged and Presented as the nation’s exclusive and cultural foods, Branded and Patented to protect its intrinsic values. Such products are the nation’s ambassadors to the world.

Population stables, such as; rice and wheat, should continue to be produced and processed to fill local demands. Investment in processing, parboil and milling plants, should be seen as infrastructural investments by Government and financed through low interest development loans from international agencies, hence, reducing food import bills. Fish and chicken farming are currently undergoing transformation and using synergies to become more efficient and cost effective. Hence, putting it all together, into a nation’s strategic food corporation, listed on a suitable stock exchange for transparency and to allow block ownership to employees and their unions, and open to the general public.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.