Monday, August 12, 2019

Accused Not Remanded

Hopefully, many in society would never know how it feels to be jailed or remanded. Simply put, the system is that the police, with some evidence, accuses a person of a crime and must detain or place in custody this person while, gathering more evidence and presenting it to a judge. Place in front of a judge, the court can free the person based on insufficient evidence or issue an order of detention or remand while, further tracing is done or until the case is called. In the meantime, held in custody in a jail, a person must learn and know their legal rights or get loss in the system.

Held in Custody and Detention, accused of stabbing and killing ten young children or of not paying child support, both persons are held in and under the same conditions, getting to know each other. The police, on the case, with enough evidence is in contact with the District Public Prosecutor (DPP) to issue an arrest warrant. The arresting officer detains the accused person and with or without the DPP, informs the court or files the case. The arrested person is confined to a cell or, more than likely overnight, is transported, under guard, to a larger holding facility or detention or remand yard, where this person will stay until a preliminary inquiry is convene.

Local Community Jails designed and constructed to hold twenty detainees, can easily become overpopulated, if tracing or court scheduling takes a long time. But in a remand yard, the accused and arrested person can be easily misfiled am thousands of persons, remembering that this person has not been legally remanded by a judge. Such an uninformed prisoner, with no family and friends notified, is a prime candidate for abuse by both the system and other inmates. Hence, it is and should be the nation’s responsibility to appoint and notify a listed lawyer upon arrest or suffer an appropriate penalty.

Mandatory Basic Education as to the rights of an accused should be read and presented upon an arrest by the police, or if not, the case must be discontinued. Represented by a lawyer, privately or publicly paid, offers a better chance of getting bail, brings the matter higher on the court’s docket and decreases the time spent in a crowded facility without charge or plea. The age and mental capacity of the accused must matter, in any questioning or statements made to the police, without the assigned lawyer present. Henceforth, no person, no matter their economic status, can be arrested without qualified legal representation in attendance.

The Preliminary Inquiry Courts are best served if the accused and arrested can be brought in front of a judge immediately as detain. A speedy case brought to the courts can result in a freed defendant, a guilty person; paying a fine and being quickly released or being held over or legally remanded for trial. The evidence being presented in a preliminary inquiry by the arresting police officer or the DPP, along with the accused plea of Guilty or Not Guilty, will determine the court’s decision and bail, if applicable. Hence, the call for online courts, via telecommunication devices, connecting police station’s jails and other detention centers to a scheduled judge, for prompt justice.

T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.